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Assembly bill targets WHEDA loans to immigrants

by Bob Hague

The state Assembly is scheduled to vote Tuesday, on a bill that would reign in a home loan program for immigrants.

Republican Representative Steve Kestell of Elkhart Lake said it's one thing for banks to make home loans to illegal immigrants, if they wish. "But to involve the citizens of Wisconsin, by having WHEDA do it, I think is something entirely different," said Kestell, talking about a home loan program from the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority which, he says, targets illegal immigrants for home loans. Kestell's bill (Assembly Bill 85)would require anyone applying for such a loan have a Social Security number.

Representative Fred Kessler, a Milwaukee Democrat, voted against the bill in committee. "This country benefits enormously from that (immigration)," said Kessler. "To start putting barriers in place to immigration is very, very troubling to me."

WHEDA makes various types of loans for housing and economic development purposes, often for housing projects that benefit low-income, elderly, or disabled persons.