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  1. #1
    Administrator Jean's Avatar
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    Greg Abbott Promises to Secure Texas-Mexico Border

    by Kristin Tate 6 Jun 2014, 2:21 PM PDT

    Amid the revelation that federal resources and facilities--many of which are located in Texas--are overwhelmed due to a significant spike in illegal immigration, Texans are particularly concerned about securing the U.S.-Mexico border. Speaking to a large crowd on Friday at the Texas GOP Convention, Texas Attorney General and gubernatorial candidate Greg Abbott promised that if elected, he will secure the border.

    "I will do what the federal government has failed to do," Abbott said. "I will secure our border."

    The crowd stood up and erupted into applause.

    Abbott continued, "We've seen cartel activity infiltrate our schools and contaminate communities across the state. Priorities are wrong when we live in a state that stops a valedictorian from mentioning God in a graduation speech, but doesn't stop a cartel member from crossing our border."

    "As governor I will provide the tools and manpower we need to secure our border," Abbott promised. "I will enforce the rule of law in the state of Texas. As you all know, the border is not the only thing the federal government is failing at."

    Given the crowd's reaction to Abbott's statements, it is easy to surmise that Texans are growing increasingly discouraged and concerned about what is happening along the U.S.-Mexico border.

    As Breitbart Texas previously reported, more than 60,000 unaccompanied children are expected to illegally cross into the United States this year--that figure is substantially up from 2011, when only about 6,500 minors crossed. The Rio Grande Valley (RVG) Border Patrol Sector alone now apprehends about 1,000 illegal aliens per day, many of whom are children without parents.

    Indeed, U.S. facilities have become so overcrowded that 1,000 illegal immigrant children were recently sent to San Antonio's Lackland Air Force Base where they were provided with clothing, food, education, foster care programs, and "behavioral treatment centers."

    Academics and government officials claim to be "stumped" as to why there has been such a steep incline of children illegal crossers along the border. The sharp influx of illegal immigrants has largely left authorities without a plan-of-action moving forward.

    Abbott did not specify how he would curb illegal immigration, but he made it very clear at during his GOP Convention speech that he understood the severity of the problem at the U.S.-Mexico border.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member
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    The last paragraph suggests that he does not have a clue about a plan. Another man without a plan!

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