Hector Carreon is the publisher of La Voz de Aztlan. This paranoid La Raza Anti-Semite blames all of L.A.'s troubles on the Jews and labels any and all who do not share his views, as racists and labels Hispanics who don't share his views as "Malinchistas" (Mexican slang for "traitor").

Most recently, Carreon ranted on his website about being censored by "Zionists."

There are many people and organizations apart from "Zionists" who would like to shut Carreon up.

So racist is Hector Carreon, that even La Raza organizations like MALDEF and LULAC, who are thought by many to be themselves racists, repudiate La Voz de Aztlan. Here are some Anti-Everybody open letters by Carreon in response to MALDEF and LULAC.

Drinko por Cinco" and Anheuser-Busch
Open Letter to President of MAPA (Note reference to Hal Netkin)

Here's what Carreon had to say about the Jewish organization B'nai B'rith:

Sons of the Covenant" Defame La Voz de Aztlan

Carreon is not only a racist, he is a hypocrite. While he bellyaches about being censored by "Zionists," he makes no mention how he attempts to censor those he disagrees with.

I have been following Hector Carreon's activities to alert gullible victims of his treachery:

Letter, Netkin to Hope Boyd, Principal, Wildwood Schools

But if you think that Hector Carreon is bad because he is a bigot, consider that some of our local politicians who characterize themselves as champions of anti-discrimination who refuse to repudiate Carreon, are worse.


Antonio Villaraigosa knew, when he was endorsed by Los Angeles County Supervisor, Gloria Molina, that she was cozy with Anti-Semite separatist Hector Carreon, the publisher of La Voz de Aztlan, but he thought that no one else knew.

e is the former web master of anti-Semitic "Nation of Aztlan" and presently the publisher of "La Voz de Aztlan," (The Voice of Aztlan), a vicious anti-Semitic on-line publication. He is a Chicano separatist who calls California "Alta California." He admires leaders like Yassar Arafat and Fidel Castro. He considers Israel's defense against terrorism as immoral, and Hamas' suicide bombings that target Israeli civilians, as noble. His editorial, Anthrax Terrorists May Be Zionists was reprinted by the "Syria Times" October, 2001, and portrayed by the Arab world as a credible piece of news. A follow-up article was also posted FBI Closes in on Anthrax Terrorist -- Prime Suspect is a Zionist

His name is Hector Carreon.

According to the L.A. New Times (now defunct), when Carreon began taking an interest in local politics, he held several fund-raisers for candidates in his home. One of those fund-raisers benefited county supervisor Gloria Molina.

Molina returned the favor in 1991 by naming Anti-Semite Carreon to Los Angeles County's Real Estate Management Commission. The panel is made up of five citizens, one appointed by each supervisor, who are charged with reviewing county property leases and making recommendations to the board. "Out of the five commissioners, four were judios. County government is puro judio, did you know that?" Carreon asked a reporter.

It takes only a moment to scroll down La Voz de Aztlan website and see that Carreon and his correspondents, Ernesto Cienfuegos, Miroslava Flores, and other anti-Semitic contributors, are obsessed with "The Jewish/Zionist conspiracy." Nearly every article reflects hatred of Judaism and American Jews -- even Mexican Jews.

In two separate 2001 email letters, Hal Netkin asked both Antonio Villaraigosa and Gloria Molina to publicly repudiate Carreon, but both, who characterize themselves as champion anti-discrimination fighters, refused.