YOUR VIEW: Immigrants, portrayed as lambs, acted like a gang

Mr. Eisenstat lives in Fairhaven.
April 12, 2007 6:00 AM

There was a meeting of illegal aliens at the Greater New Bedford Regional Vocational Technical High School March 17, and I think there is at least one woman with firsthand knowledge that these illegal immigrants are not as peaceful as they are portrayed.

When things don't go their way, they resort to criminal behavior.

Mrs. Blaha became the target of violent aggression in a public forum when, exercising her right to free speech, the supposedly meek illegals morphed into a vicious street gang in order to forcefully silence her.

This mob's intentions were so violent that the police at the scene said that they felt obliged to remove Mrs. Blaha for fear that the mob would carry out whatever they were threatening to do to her.

The illegals and their facilitators could have interjected with vigorous rebuttals, but instead they chose intimidation and violence.

These illegal aliens, who are being depicted as peaceful job seekers in some quarters, are exactly what they were before they entered this country illegally: criminals. They entered this country illegally not because they had to, but because that is the kind of people they really are. We saw that Saturday. They didn't become criminals when they illegally entered this country; they were already criminals due to their criminal mindset and intentions. It is a box set of attributes.

If these illegals have lived with violence and oppression for most of their lives, I understand how they can act in this manner. Many times victims become victimizers when they get the chance.

Though they are painted as lambs, it is only in times of weakness. These people proved on that Saturday that they are brutes in times of strength.

It is the current political support offered by the City of New Bedford that has emboldened these bad guests. These are their true colors.

It is the current climate of appeasement (a trait of liberalism) that has handed them the boldness to show who they really are. This can be the only answer.

How else, then, can we explain a newly arrived group having the audacity to show so much blatant criminality that they threaten a lone disabled woman in front of the police? And amazingly, the police didn't even arrest those who were doing the threatening. The illegal alien is totally protected here — good press, blessings from the mayor and a get-out-of-jail-free card.

Let's reverse that situation for a moment.

Picture a meeting of people who were opposed to illegal immigration, challenged by a lone female illegal alien in a public forum. The people there begin to gather around the woman. They threaten her, becoming more hostile as The Standard-Times photographers snap pictures and the writers paint the scene with words.

Do you think for one minute the police would grab the illegal immigrant and haul her out of that forum? Not a chance. Bad photo-op. They would protect her right to free speech. This is America after all — except if you happen to be an American. ... /704120356