Published: 12.01.2007
Church group to help migrant who saved boy
Citizen Staff Report

Humane Borders, headed by Rev. Robin Hoover, and his First Christian Church, 740 E. Speedway Blvd., have agreed to help Tucson businessman Bob Feinman in his quest to bring Christmas to a Mexican good Samaritan.
Feinman and Humane Borders are accepting cash donations that will be used to buy household items and other gifts for Manuel Jesus Córdova Soberanes. The Magdalena de Kino, Son., man gave up his attempt to enter the country illegally last week to aid a 9-year-old boy he found injured and wandering in the desert after his mother died in a car crash.
Córdova was taken back to Mexico and Feinman and Humane Borders want to thank him for his selfless act.
Because of Mexican import restrictions, all gifts and other items must be purchased in Mexico, necessitating the need for cash donations, Feinman said.
To donate or for more information, call the church at 628-7753. The gifts will be delivered the weekend of Dec. 15-16.