Laura Ingraham hosted Debate: Should California keep spending billions on illegal immigrants? Ira Mehlman says it's time to make some cuts. Jorge-Mario Cabrera disagrees.

Cabrera said he is concerned about the economy and about the high percentage California pays the federal government. Mehlman said the illegal immigration toll is $13.1 billion for starters with social services taking up much of this cost.

Ingraham said it is about 2.9 illegal immigrants live in California with a big number in prison relative to the rest of the population. Cabrera said that immigrants pay many taxes at all levels and contribute. Mehlman countered that the salaries of illegals are too small to offset the services they use. He also said that illegals won't be apt to vote to pay for baby boomers' retirements. Ingraham said that Cabrera has instructions at his site on how to handle ICE when the federal government comes by to pick up illegal immigrants. ... ation.html