Today's Inbox: Lack of laws lets businesses abuse illegal immigrants

A reader's view

The Des Moines Register spent the weekend feeding us multiple stories about the plight of the illegal immigrants who have found themselves in jail for stealing Social Security numbers so as to work at Agriprocessors Inc. The stories are aimed at shaming anyone not compassionate enough to understand that these illegal immigrants are just trying to better their lives; so we should look the other way as they break the law.

In the meantime, the New York Times is full of stories that show the real villains — the owners and managers of Agriprocessors. The Times tells us that there were 389 illegal immigrants arrested, more than 20 are underage, some as young as 13 years old. With nothing to lose, these people are speaking out about the abuses they suffered at the hand of management. Did I miss those stories as I read the Register this weekend? Certainly those are newsworthy stories.

Perhaps those of us who have been staunch supporters of securing the border and getting a handle on illegal immigration are actually the compassionate ones, believing that uncontrolled immigration allows businesses to abuse illegal immigrants. We need more elected officials who put aside the benefits to the party that illegal immigrants bring (for Republicans cheap labor; for Democrats votes).

We need elected officials to demonstrate one simple quality — courage. Courage to go after the big guys (i.e. Agriprocessors). Fine businesses $100,000 for each illegal worker found in the plant. Try it — and watch the problem disappear.

— Carol Dupic, Emmetsburg