Bratton will soon retire as LAPD Chief, and has already set-up a job in the private sector. I wonder if this has anything to do with the exoneration of the Melee Riot-Squad officers.

Bratton announced his intention to step-down one or two months ago. Perhaps he already knew about Cooley's non-partisan decision to clear the officers. Perhaps this was more than he could stand, as Bratton had verbally trashed his own officers in the past, and would suddenly be in a position where he would be obligated to reverse or alter this position.

Before this recent exoneration, Bratton had already demoted and suspended several officers, and virtually forced another one to retire.

If Bratton hadn't made plans to step-down as Police Chief, it could hurt the morale of the LAPD. They would be led by a Chief who would be reluctant to stand-up for his own officers, who are just trying to do their job.

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Directions for cleaning Congress:
1. Lather
2. Rinse
3. Replace
4. Repeat