From: Latina Lista

Last week’s vile comment by Kansas legislator Virgil Peck — that shooting undocumented immigrants from helicopters could be another way to control illegal immigration — sparked a huge outcry from across the nation.

Unfortunately, it’s not an isolated incident.

Other examples of biased politicians, who think their positions shield them from exercising common sense and decency, have also been reported lately in the news for making comments that at the least deserve immediate reprimands and at the most automatic enrollment into diversity sensitivity and Latino 101 classes.

For example, just across the border from Peck’s home state, Oklahoma state Sen. Ralph Shortey thinks he knows it all when it comes to Latino immigrants. He has been making inappropriate comments and sweeping generalizations about undocumented immigrants.

ChicanÃ*sima blogger, Teresa Puente, recounts her exchange with Shortey while attending a recent journalism conference in Oklahoma.

In that exchange, Shortey comes across as being an ignorant politician (â€