Let’s make sure these people ignore us for the last time
Carolyn Hileman
August 15, 2008 - With school starting around the country Americans already facing high gas prices are now having to spend even more on clothes and school supplies, this coupled with the fact a lot of parents like myself who drive their kids to school makes an already tight budget even tighter and we have Lindsey Graham and his nine dwarfs deciding once again the American people do not know what is best for them but they do and the arguments he is using once again are the same as the amnesty bill that we must work together. I do not know about you but the last time they worked together we almost had 12 – 20 million new citizens and a thirty two trillion dollar debt to go with it, and I am supposed to be impressed that they can work together, not.
Little miss Nancy interrupts her book tour to say she might consider a vote, and we are supposed to be impressed? The American people have been suffering and are about to suffer even more and she might consider a vote??? Exactly who died and made these people God? Lindsey is pulling a look at me I could be vice president I can stab the party in the back as good as McCain trick and Nancy is doing the talk show circuit while we are hunting down change so we can get back and forth to work and I am sick of it. I am sick of it all these people do nothing other than political jockeying all day, when was the last time they did anything for the American people? They sit up there on their high horses while gas, electricity, food and everything else goes up and they dare ignore the people or worse they talk down to us, inflate your tires, car pool, kiss my butt…

We are in a war here and it is with the very people we elected, we have fought them tooth and nail over illegal immigration, three times they attempted to ram the amnesty bill down our throats, three times we had to tell them no and they still tried to sneak it into just about every single bill including defense!!! And now they are going to try and shove Lindsey Graham’s wonderful air headed idea down our throats whether we want it or not. I don’t know about you but I am sick and damn tired of being ignored, placated and talked down to by people who I am paying, if I could I would fire them. Most of the democrat congress as well as senate are on their vacations Why even Obama is visiting family while we the people who paid for those vacations are sitting at home wondering what else we can live without so we can buy gas and groceries and I am sorry but that is just plain wrong. I say if you know one of them is going to be in town it is time they started feeling a little pressure like the rest of us.

If they go out for a meet and greet be there and give them the greeting the deserve, if they are not stupid enough to go out in public then might I suggest picketing their home offices or even in front of their homes. Write letters to your paper telling them why you can’t afford a vacation, post signs around town saying your congressman or senator is helping Americans by going on Vacation. This is no longer a situation where the American citizens have not been heard, oh they have heard us alright and they are ignoring us and working on a way to pull the wool over our eyes and say they did something and don’t you dare let them get way with it. I have even given some thought to calling for a nation wide protest against high gas prices where for exactly ten minutes all traffic on the road was completely still. Just come to a complete stop at your specified time, we would have to get all the time zones together but what an impact that would make if every single car on the road just stopped and refused to go for ten minutes, I think we just might get their attention. If every single dollar bill we paid for gas with had DRILL HERE on it that might wake up some of them, all I know is it is time to take it to the streets, it is time to fight. We will beat them with our keyboards, out telephones, our cars anything we have at our disposal, we will paint signs and place them along the road side that say drill here, we will return all pleas for campaign funds with gas receipts and the words DRILL HERE plastered across the front of the envelope and if you really want to have some fun, send your own request for funds right back to them. Let’s make sure these people ignore us for the last time.

http://www.borderfirereport.net/carolyn ... -time.html