I came across letters to senators on a blog page. There is a troll on it and somethings that are considered unacceptable by others so I only put the 2 letters on.

http://www.topix.net/forum/news/immigra ... LEEF3O/p37

Broken Promises from Kennedy as Usual

Sen. Edward Kennedy

May 5, 2007

"This amnesty will give citizenship to only 1.1-1.3 million illegal aliens. We will secure the borders henceforth. We will never again bring forward another Amnesty Bill like this." -Ted Kennedy, 1986

Exact words are hard to live by especially when you have no moral character or standards and do not care about the american citizens and never have like this schmuck

I with thousands of other lifelong Democrats who fought for this country and gave our health, lives and limbs only for you to sell us out again as you did in 1986 are making sure this gets to all Democrats. Most Democrats in our anti-illegal immigration group consisting of thousands of us already are changing our party affiliation to independent with thousands more doing so every day and will vote for Tancredo. We are disgusted with our party and will NEVER again vote for another Democrat as if you really give a horse's posterior anyway since you seem to represent only the interests of illegal aliens and have told American citizens to go to hell . Unlike you and your fellow sellouts Tancredo still cares about this country, it's values, institutions, citizens and way of life and has more integrity in his big toe then you have in your entire body. Stop circumventing our existing immigration laws by creating new ones and SIMPLY enforce the laws already on the books and you will discover our immigration system does work.

USAF Retired, 24 Years of Service
Combat Disabled
Soon to be former Democrat as I am completely disgusted with dishonest political hacks as you

Savannah , GA

Here is another letter:

Wake up and READ these letters on illegal immigration!!!

Sen. Harry Reid

May 6, 2007

Harry Reid,

You constantly spout poll numbers about the American people supporting "comprehensive immigration reform". WAKE UP! Read the letters right here that are addressed to YOU! The American people are telling you NO! NO! NO! We DO NOT support any legislation for amnesty for foreigners who have broken OUR laws and are here illegally!

If you can't snap out of your illegal immigration funk then your as stubborn as President Bush and in bed with him as well.

If you poll the Mexican's and other illegal aliens then your stastics might be closer to correct but the AMERICAN people are sick and tired of this pandering to illegal aliens who shouldn't be even considered as voting constituents. THEY ARE NOT AMERICAN CITIZENS!!!

Our founding fathers would cry for the sorry state of our country and if you consider staying on the current path you are on you'll be one of the major reasons for America's further downfall!! TAKE A BOW!

Change your attitude or change your job! We'll help with that part next time we vote!

East Wenatchee , WA