Quote Originally Posted by libbeebell
I don't see why we shouldn't sign up to vote when we go to the DMV to get our Drivers license or state ID. And they can send us a voter ID with our picture on it as well.

when I registered to vote I had to go to the county courthouse and if I can remember correctly, I had to have a birth certificate. This was a milestone for us -- my mama and daddy took my sisters and myself to register and then we went out to dinner, it was a proud patriotic moment

Congress and President Bill Clinton made 'fraud' easier when it enacted The National Voter Registration Act, known as the "motor voter" law, that requires state voter registration be offered at state departments of motor vehicles and state welfare offices and must allow "citizens" to register to vote by mail. The only 'verification' of citizenship is a statement that requires no verification. 42 USC 1977 requires that
"Each State motor vehicle driver's license application (including any renewal application) submitted to the appropriate State motor vehicle authority under State law shall serve as an application for voter registration with respect to elections for Federal office unless the applicant fails to sign the voter registration application."
The "motor voter" law makes voter registration effortless for "illegal aliens" and terrorists with a "valid" drivers license – it's "an easy, one-step process."