Ladd: It isn’t impossible to stop illegal immigration
By William Ladd, Guest Contributor
Saturday, February 20, 2010 2 comments | read comments | post a comment
nowBuzz up!
Many people would have us believe that it would not actually be possible to round up and deport all illegal aliens in the U.S. This is most definitely not the case. It is merely a lack of resolve to do so. How can I say this? Easy. It’s been done successfully multiple times in the past. In fact, three of our most well-known presidents initiated successful illegal alien deportation programs.

William Ladd is a radiologist in San Diego.
First, President Herbert Hoover, during the great depression, ordered the deportation of all illegal aliens in order to make jobs available to American citizens that desperately needed work. My question is, why would you have to make an exception to “business as usualâ€