
Make people wear different colored ribbons

Here’s a better idea: Let’s have citizens, legal immigrants and illegal aliens wear distinctively colored ribbons. Then we will know who’s who. Otherwise, it can be generally inferred that those who support the arrival and permanence of illegal aliens are themselves, have a direct interest in, or benefit economically from illegal aliens. Otherwise, why would they have us debate or pray while the onslaught on our border continues to the tune of several thousand illegal aliens every day of the year?

Guess why Justice is depicted as a blind woman? She’s blind to station, race or any other characteristic. She only cares about the law. Guess what: the Minutemen seem to care only about the law. If we abutted Sweden and their people insisted on trampling on our laws, borders and sovereignty, they’d be riled at the Swedes.

I know that our municipal police are too busy writing tickets to bother with the obvious illegal alien working at the local fast food joint, supermarket, hotel or almost anywhere else. Maybe one of these days our law enforcement will enforce all laws equally. Until then, America’s Minutemen will continue to do the job that American government and law enforcement are too chicken-poop to do.

Carlos M. Rodriguez
Overland Park, Kan.
Via the Internet