I have been on the net since I could sign onto a dial up connection at 28K. It cost $6.00 an hour and I remember the thrill of this new world opening up, though I was on a 128k Macintosh with the little tiny screen and little tiny floppy disk. Are some of you old enough to remember those? I owned 8 new Macs before switching to PC's and have owned a lot more on the Windows side than the Mac Side.

Of all the time I have been on the net, I have not been as concerned - more than concerned - even afraid, for the very survival of our nation.
I saw this short video that shouts out "Danger!" this past summer and I have not been able to walk away from it; it has stayed on my mind and in my heart to the point that I went searching the internet today until I found it and present it to you to view; to raise the alarm bells about our nation selling us out through immigration. The people coming in are bringing us a lot of pain and poverty, but also the seeds to our very destruction.

Please view this video in its short entirety and leave a comment here. I put it on my blog because it makes it simple to get it out to as many people as possible and if I need to update or change it, I only need to go to one site to do so, vs. going out to many sites.

Thank you in advance for your patience. Please help me get out the word. I truly find this terrifying. The numbers are real. The threat is starting to be understood but too late in Europe. Can we save our country?

Link to Video: http://ow.ly/zHIS
