Swift Boat Vet supports Duncan Hunter
Chad Groening
Le 7 avril 2007, par Aloys Evina,

A Naval veteran who co-founded the group « Swift Boat Veterans for Truth » says he will do whatever he can to help Congressman Duncan Hunter (R-California) become the next president of the United States.

Hear This Report

The Swift Boat Veterans for Truth became a household name during the last presidential campaign when it accused Democratic candidate John Kerry of being dishonest about his service in Vietnam. Many political pundits believe the Swift Boat vets helped defeat Kerry.

John O’Neill, a co-founder and member of the group, says in 2008 he is campaigning for another Vietnam veteran who is running for the Oval Office — Representative Duncan Hunter.

« He is a Vietnam veteran who I can really be proud of, » says O’Neill. « I’m really happy to be able to be for someone instead of just being against someone. I’m going to do everything I can to try and help him out. » And so are many of the people in the Swift Boat Veterans group, he adds, clarifying that they are doing so as individuals and not on behalf of the group.

O’Neill says he recognizes that the California lawmaker is a long shot, but so were the Swift Boat vets when they organized to stop Kerry in 2004. « [T]he long-shot causes are always the causes most worth fighting for, » he says. « That’s what I believe in — so I think he has a chance ; and that’s who I’m for. »
