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  1. #1
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    Para Comprar Comida y Pagar La Renta, Una Immigrante Ilegal

    This is absolutely infuriating!!! This the first time the Times has EVER printed a news story in SPANISH!!! The L.A. Times is now officially a Mexican rag! Note: The first line refers to "UNA IMMIGRANTE ILEGAL"!!! That much I can understand!!!

    I immediately sent off a scathing email to the Times...and I'm hoping others (especially in L.A.) will do the same!

    Criando una familia con la basura de Pasadena

    Para comprar comida y pagar la renta, una inmigrante ilegal recolecta y vende reciclables.

    By Anna Gorman, Redactora del Times
    2:32 PM PDT, April 2, 2008

    Aún no han dado las 3 a.m., Juana Rivas echa mano a su carrito de súpermercado y pasa de la acera a la oscuridad.

    Se resguarda del frÃ*o con una sudadera y una chamarra, asÃ* como un sombrero rosado y unos guantes que compró en una tienda de 99 centavos. Sólo los ladridos de un perro interrumpen el silencio.

    Rivas llega a la primera casa, levanta la tapa del basurero y alumbra hacia adentro con su linterna. Nada.

    "No hay. No hay," dice ella.

    Mira al interior de otro basurero. Nada. Camina en zigzags hacia delante y hacia atrás por la calle, parando en cada casa en pos de latas de aluminio, botellas de cristal, recipientes plásticos, cualquier cosa que ella pueda cambiar por dinero en el centro de reciclaje local. Mete las manos dentro, sacude el contenido por si oye el sonido clave de una botella de cerveza o el sonido hueco de un cartón de leche. Nada.

    Le entra ansiedad. Su esposo y cuatro hijos dependen de ella. Al cheque por $2,300 por el alquiler de su casa en Pasadena le falta una semana. Ya tuvo que pedir una extensión para el pago del gasóleo. El cable y el teléfono ya fueron desconectados.

    Ella acelera el paso. Las bolsas plásticas atadas al carrito suenan al pasar unas contra otras. Las ruedas chirrÃ*an al pasar sobre los guijarros de la calle.

    Unos minutos después, halla una lata vacÃ*a de Sierra Mist, unas cuantas botellas plásticas de agua y varias botellas de cerveza Foster. Lo echa todo en su carrito vacÃ*o.

    "Hay dÃ*as malos y dÃ*as buenos," dice Rivas, de 48 años.

    A medida que camina hacia la próxima casa, dice, "Va a ser un dÃ*a malo."

    Rivas sabe lo que la gente piensa, que ella registra los basureros de sus vecinos en busca de dinero para drogas o alcohol. Ella sabe lo que dicen de ella -- rastrojera, buscona, ladrona.

    "Hay gente que me mira con cara de, 'No vales nada. No eres nadie' ", dijo ella.

    Durante 13 años, dice ella, ha recolectado latas y botellas "para pagar la renta, mis cuentas. Lo hago por necesidad."

    Ella ha buscado trabajos más estables, incluso limpiar oficinas de noche. Pero hoy en dÃ*a, hay más compañÃ*as pidiendo papeles de inmigración, papeles que ella no tiene.

    Además, recolectar rastros paga bien, dice ella. Cuántas más horas le dedica, más gana. Su prueba está en los recibos del centro de reciclaje: 22 de octubre: $70.12, 12 de diciembre: $143.08, 4 de enero: $134.91. En general, en un año ella puede ganar entre $20,000 y $25,000. Combinado con lo que gana su esposo y lo que contribuyen los hijos, pueden pagar la renta y poner comida en la mesa.

    Rivas es parte de la incipiente economÃ*a clandestina -- los cientos de miles de inmigrantes del sur de California que limpian casas, podan céspedes y friegan platos, que ganan un dinero marginal y pagan muy poco, o nada, en impuestos. Su historia refleja las contradicciones que hacen de la inmigración ilegal un punto álgido. Ella infringió la ley para llegar aquÃ* y drena recursos municipales al quedarse aquÃ*. Sin embargo, trabaja duro, muy duro, para que sus hijos no tengan que hacer lo mismo.

    Todos los dÃ*as se levanta a las 2:30 a.m., a sabiendas de que tan sólo una hora más de sueño significa menos dinero. Camina millas y millas, incluso cuando llueve, incluso cuando está batallando contra la gripe.

    "Si falto un dÃ*a, no me alcanza," dice ella.

    Su única compañÃ*a es el locutor hispanohablante El PiolÃ*n, Eddie Sotelo de la KSCA-FM (101.9), que la entretiene mediante un radio portátil que uno de sus hijos le regaló hace dos años.

    Los hombros y las piernas le duelen de empujar el carrito cuesta arriba y cuesta abajo. La manos le tiemblan de la artritis. Esta mañana tiene dos dedos vendados con esparadrapo blanco. Hace dos años tuvo que ir a una sala de urgencia para que le suturaran una laceración que le hizo un pico de botella en un antebrazo. Salió con varios puntos y una vacuna antitetánica. El servicio de emergencia Medi-Cal cubrió el tratamiento. ... 8129.story

  2. #2
    Senior Member Captainron's Avatar
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    Rivas es parte de la incipiente economÃ*a clandestina
    I got that part!
    "Men of low degree are vanity, Men of high degree are a lie. " David
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  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Oregon (pronounced "ore-ee-gun")
    Here's the Google translation:
    Raising a family with trash Pasadena

    To buy food and pay rent, an illegal immigrant collects and sells recyclable.

    By Anna Gorman, Times Editor
    2:32 pm PDT, April 2, 2008

    They have not given 3 am, Juana Rivas throws his hand cart supermarket and goes from the sidewalk to darkness.

    It insulates from the cold with a sweatshirt and a jacket, and a pink hat and gloves which were purchased in a store of 99 cents. Only the barking of a dog break the silence.

    Rivas reached the first house, closed the lid of the trash can and lights inwards with his flashlight. Nothing.

    "None. No," she says.

    Look inside another dumpster. Nothing. Walk in zigzags forward and backward through the streets, stopping at every house in search of aluminum cans, glass bottles, plastic containers, anything that she can change money at the local recycling center. Mete hands inside, shaking the contents if key hears the sound of a beer bottle or sound hollow of a milk carton. Nothing.

    He enters anxiety. Her husband and four children depend on it. At check for $ 2300 for the rental of his home in Pasadena lacks a week. It had to seek an extension for payment of the diesel. The cable and phone already been disconnected.

    She accelerates step. Plastic bags tied to cart sound to move against each other. The wheels chirrÃ*an to move the pebbles on the street.

    A few minutes later, found an empty can of Sierra Mist, a few plastic water bottles and several bottles of beer Foster. It throws everything in his empty cart.

    "There are good days and bad days," said Rivas, 48.

    As you walk to the next house, he says, "It's going to be a bad day."

    Rivas knows what people think, she recorded dumps its neighbors in search of money for drugs or alcohol. She knows what they say it - rastrojera, buscona, thief.

    "There are people looking at me face, 'No vouchers anything. Not a nobody'," she said.

    For 13 years, she says, has collected cans and bottles to pay the rent, my bills. I do out of necessity. "

    She has sought more stable jobs, including cleaning offices at night. But today, there are more companies asking for immigration papers, she has no papers.

    In addition, collect traces pays well, she says. How many more hours he spends more wins. His proof is in the receipts recycling center: October 22: $ 70.12, December 12: $ 143.08, 4 January: $ 134.91. In general, in a year she can earn between $ 20000 and $ 25000. Combined with what her husband earns and what help the children can pay the rent and put food on the table.

    Rivas is part of the emerging shadow economy - the hundreds of thousands of immigrants from southern California who cleaned houses, lawns and pruning scrubbing dishes, which earn money and pay marginal little or nothing in taxes. Its history reflects the contradictions that make illegal immigration a peak. She broke the law to get here and municipal drains resources to stay here. However, he works hard, very hard, so that their children will not have to do the same.

    Every day was closed at 2:30 am, knowing that only one hour of sleep means less money. Walk miles and miles, even when it rains, even when it is struggling against the flu.

    "If you lack one day, I do not reach," she says.

    His only company is the Spanish-speaking announcer The Piolin, Eddie Sotelo of KSCA-FM (101.9), which entertains through a portable radio that one of his sons gave him two years ago.

    The shoulders and legs hurt him pushing the cart uphill and downhill. The hands will tremble of arthritis. This morning we had two fingers bandaged with white tape. Two years ago he had to go to an emergency room to get suturaran laceration that made him a peak bottle in a forearm. He left with a number of points and a tetanus vaccine. The emergency service Medi-Cal covered the treatment.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member legalatina's Avatar
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    I don't have the time to translate word for word...but this sob story propaganda piece is one of the worst written articles in Spanish that I have read...I'm sure that the "writer" is not a native Spanish language speaker or someone who is educated in proper Spanish.. Anyway....this article is about an illegal alien woman who "contributes to the family income" by garbage-picking plastics and aluminum to cash in at recycling centers. Most of the story goes on about how long she walks, how painful it is. how people look down on her. Yet, her husband and other "family members" are employed and they pay $2300/month rent for their housing. Oh, she laments because her cable television was shut off.

  5. #5
    Senior Member butterbean's Avatar
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    TRANSLATED 1st page by babelfish

    Sorry- I didnt know someone already translated the article. It has 4 pages. I noticed only the 1st was translated.

    RIP Butterbean! We miss you and hope you are well in heaven.-- Your ALIPAC friends

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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Captainron
    Rivas es parte de la incipiente economÃ*a clandestina
    I got that part!
    LOL!!! I'm just guessing...but I think they are saying Rivas is one of the 10M illegals in L.A. who is part of the underground economy that is not paying one red cent in taxes but is collecting taxpayer funded benefits for himself and 9 anchor brats, jamming up our emergency rooms, and ruining the school system !

  7. #7
    Senior Member WorriedAmerican's Avatar
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    I sent an email to 5 of the editors, President and Managers....... jerks
    If Palestine puts down their guns, there will be peace.
    If Israel puts down their guns there will be no more Israel.
    Dick Morris

  8. #8
    Senior Member Lone_Patriot's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AmericanMe
    Quote Originally Posted by Captainron
    Rivas es parte de la incipiente economÃ*a clandestina
    I got that part!
    LOL!!! I'm just guessing...but I think they are saying Rivas is one of the 10M illegals in L.A. who is part of the underground economy that is not paying one red cent in taxes but is collecting taxpayer funded benefits for himself and 9 anchor brats, jamming up our emergency rooms, and ruining the school system !
    man you sum it up so well!!!!

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    Santa Clarita Ca
    Better then Readers Digest

    Quote Originally Posted by Lone_Patriot
    Quote Originally Posted by AmericanMe
    Quote Originally Posted by Captainron
    Rivas es parte de la incipiente economÃ*a clandestina
    I got that part!
    LOL!!! I'm just guessing...but I think they are saying Rivas is one of the 10M illegals in L.A. who is part of the underground economy that is not paying one red cent in taxes but is collecting taxpayer funded benefits for himself and 9 anchor brats, jamming up our emergency rooms, and ruining the school system !
    man you sum it up so well!!!!
    Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  10. #10
    Senior Member
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    Thanks for the translations... Phred, Butterbean and Legalatina...

    I'm so tired of hearing these sob stories about "we are just doing this so that our children will have a better life"!!! Most of them don't have children until they sneak into the US, and then they become anchor baby manufacturers so that they can drain our resources and stay here forever! We don't care about your kids!!! If they didn't have so many kids, they could have a good life in MEXICO! I have NO sympathy for them and if I had their address, I would call ICE!


    NOTE: Rivas has been here ILLEGALLY for 14 years and can't speak one word of English!

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