Parents object to guide on raids, deportations

Pamphlet advises students of their rights; some authorities say it’s too one-sided

By J. Harry Jones and Morgan Lee
Saturday, September 25, 2010 at 10:40 p.m.

The first page of the immigrant-rights guide produced by CASA de Maryland.

A countywide public school network for at-risk children is encouraging teachers to address students’ concerns about immigration raids and deportations — an effort that’s receiving mixed reviews from law enforcement agencies.

Police are objecting to one key element: an illustrated guide on how to protect yourself from raids by not saying too much, not carrying certain documents and not signing forms without consulting a lawyer.

The guide, which was distributed to teachers and students at two recent events, depicts burly police officers in sunglasses and fear-stricken immigrants in handcuffs who refuse to give information before speaking to an attorney.

It includes a wallet-sized “know your rightsâ€