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REAL ID Trojan Horse Vote Possible
Monday, May 28, 2007

Please share with concerned friends . . .

Subject: REAL ID Trojan Horse vote possible today

Yesterday we told you that the immigration bill being considered in the Senate contains provisions that could entangle all U.S. employers and employees in a bureaucratic nightmare similar to what has happened with the terrorist watch list.

This bill contains no direct mention of the REAL ID Act, or the de facto national identity card the REAL ID Act would create, but it seems fairly clear to us that REAL ID is woven into this bill, even though it is far from clear that the REAL ID Act can even be implemented.

Under this legislation you are going to have to get a green-light from the federal government if you want to hire someone, or if someone wants to hire you.

But what if mistakes are made by this federal system, and you can't hire someone, or be hired, until the feds correct their errors? What if they NEVER correct their mistakes?

You will become a non-person.

The bill in question is about 1,000 pages long. It is also extremely complicated. I have copied one small section relating to electronic verification of identity below my signature to give you a taste of it. But despite its length and complexity this bill is being rushed to a vote, perhaps as soon as today.

John Fund, in a Wall Street Journal editorial on Monday makes the following observation:

"Senators did not even receive the bill draft until midnight Saturday. After a test vote scheduled for today, Majority Leader Harry Reid is planning a final vote on the bill this Thursday, only one week after the compromise was struck. Shouldn't senators have time to actually read the bill they're being asked to vote on?"

Notice that Fund is yet another person who has picked up on the "read the bills" concept that we have been pushing with our "Read the Bills Act."

It is very unlikely that the Senate is going to read this bill before they vote on it. And even if they did read it the bill is so complex it is almost impossible to understand.

Please send Congress a message right now asking them to strip all REAL ID related provisions from this, or any other immigration bill. If you can please follow up with a phone call, and deliver the same message. The phone numbers you need to contact your Senators will be on the screen when you send your message.

You can send your message about the immigration bill here.

Please also consider sending a message asking Congress to introduce and pass's "Read the Bills Act" (RTBA). You can mention the complicated 1,000 page immigration bill as yet another reason why the "Read the Bills Act" needs to be passed as soon as possible.

If you don't know about RTBA you can learn about it here.

If you already know about RTBA you can send your message about it here.

Thank you for being a DC Downsizer.