Score one for us

Published: March 31, 2010

After reading "Immigrants are still fighting for 'Liberty and Justice for All'" written by Jaime Gonzalez on March 26, I was reminded of the domino effect of illegal immigration.

Mr. Gonzalez tells his family story about his father sneaking into the United States from Mexico in 1972 a few months after his pregnant wife had entered the country illegally. His father immediately grabbed a job working at a plant nursery and then advanced to working for General Motors.

Both of these jobs should have gone to U. S. citizens!

The mother eventually gave birth to a child who would be educated by the American people costing us thousands of dollars. The Gonzalez family probably gained U.S. citizenship because of the 1986 amnesty signed by President Ronald Reagan that allowed them to vote. The 1986 amnesty bill made it illegal to knowingly hire or recruit illegal immigrants and required employers to attest to their employee's immigration status.

This is a realistic picture of what is happening in America today. Eight million illegal aliens have jobs while 25 million U.S. citizens are in the unemployment lines. Our emergency rooms in Florida last year reported more than $100 million for medical treatment for illegal aliens. Our schools are overcrowded, and we cannot deny an education to any child in the United States from K-12 regardless if they are here illegally.

The "anchor baby" law allows automatic U.S. citizenship to any child born on U.S. soil regardless if the mother is an illegal immigrant. It has been reported that more than 300,000 children are born to illegal aliens every year, which means we will be supporting them from birth until they are 18 years old because they are eligible for food stamps, financial aid, Social Security, etc.

Many states are facing a financial crisis because of the burden of illegal aliens and Florida is one of them. The pro-amnesty march in Washington, D.C., this past weekend showed the demands for U.S. citizenship being made by illegal aliens supported by the likes of George Soros of and SEIU Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) knowing thousands of these protestors are illegal aliens did nothing to enforce our laws.

Millions of dollars are being poured into lobbying Congress to pass immigration reform, which includes amnesty. Amnesty will be the death of our country because of the fragile condition of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Our worst fears will come true if the 12 million to 20 million illegal aliens are granted amnesty. This will become a magnet for thousands more illegal aliens to cross our borders.

As U.S. citizens, our American dream is evaporating as our jobs are being stolen by illegal aliens causing bankruptcies and foreclosures. The federal government refuses to control illegal immigration, but the states and counties can demand that all contractors and subcontractors hire only legal workers.

Our Hernando County commissioners are holding a second workshop on April 6 to discuss adopting E-verify, which will require that eligibility of workers be checked through their Social Security numbers that are entered into federal data bases. These five county commissioners have the power to protect your jobs by voting "yes" on E-verify.

The ball is in their court, so let's see if they score one for us or one for the illegal aliens!

Betty Dobson

Brooksville ... editorial/