Legal immigration, discrimination, racism, Out of many, one, E Pluribus Unum

A Shout-out For Arizona

By JR Dieckmann
Monday, May 24, 2010

The Arizona immigration law has really brought to the public attention which side of legal immigration, and the Constitution, our public leaders are on. While some support the law of legal immigration, others have shown contempt for U.S. law and shown their support for lawbreakers and illegal migration in spite of their oath of office to uphold and defend the Constitution.

They attempt to divert attention away from the legal issue and claim that it is all about discrimination and racism. No matter how absurd this is to the vast majority of Americans, they continue to play the race card and make themselves look stupid and foolish. Are we to believe that they don’t know the difference between Hispanic U.S. citizens and illegal aliens? It would seem so.

Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution states: The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.

This government is failing in its constitutional obligation to protect the southern Border States from invasion and the resulting domestic violence, in spite of repeated pleas and demands from the states that it does so.

Racism and disagreement with Liberal Policies

Discrimination is something we all practice in every day of our lives. We call it making choices between what we want and what we do not want. Ever since the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the American left has been using this word interchangeably with “racismâ€