Hello . News of my death has been greatly overexegarated.
I know some of you are down today because of CAFTA. I am too.
However, I want to tell you that TEXAS is 98.89% READY for the MMP in October.

As you have heard, there has been quite a bit of activity along the Texas/mexiho border. A great number of current and former Army Rangers and Navy Seals, including myself, have laid out the recon along said border. We have the local law enforcement agencies on our side, and therefore, IN PLACE. We have the backing of the ranchers and farmers whose land has been decimated by ILLEGAL ALIENS firmly with us. The state has sent a number of extra troopers to the border and they are very visible.

We have medical teams in place. We have money for bail in place . We have other things that may be needed well stocked .
Suffice it to say that we are READY to be READY.

I'll not brag about my home state this evening, except to say that I am very proud to be a TEXAN at this moment in time. God gives us the moment in time to be proud and courageous. I can only imagine the emails that would have been exchanged between General Grant and Genreral Sherman. I am sure they would be classics.

If things turn out the way that we expect them to, then this is a critical hour in the history of what is left of the United States of America.
I just find it very dishearting that the other states have not, in my opinion, not taken the same care we have. Yes, I know we really are the BORDER. TEXANS. I accept it and appreciate it.

In looking back at the Arizona operation, I can see just how brilliant Gilchrist and Co. are. These normal, everyday MEN, had a vision. They did what any great military tactian would have done in Arizona: A test run. They got the even the left wing communist "press" and the lunatic at 1600 Penn Ave to pay attention. That MORON called them "vigalantees" (it is so stupid i can't spell it). The gall of this fool. The gall of the media to pick up on it. That is all water under the bridge at this time.

One thing that I must report at this time is the resolve of the Men and Women of TEXAS. As I have said before, those of you in Illinois think that you have a bad cold. We have colon CANCER. North Carolina, compare your migrane to our BRAIN TUMOR. Sweet Home Alabama, your
Heart of Dixie attack is mild. We have to have a quad BYPASS.

Sixx is quiet at peace tonight.
http://www.theterryandersonshow.com/GUE ... 50612.html

I am 48 years old. I spent 20 years plus serving this country after hearing John F. Kennedy, at 4 years old, tell this great nation to "Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what can YOU do for your country". 3 years later he was MURDERED, in broad day light, in Dallas. I was 7 years old then. Then I saw Malcom X MURDERED in 1965. 3 years later, it was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. I was 12. That was 4 April 1968. 2 months and a day later, 5 June 1968, Robert Kennedy was MURDERED. I was still 12 but I knew something about this nation: Those that would dare lead must be prepared to DIE!!! PERIOD.

So that brings me to the SIXX ROAD. The out of control immigration, no, make that INVASION, must be my cause. I pick my battles carefully and my company even more so. That is why you won't see me on every board of this type. I have made life long friends here. Judy, you are the BEST!!! You have taught me so much about life and what it means to be an AMERICAN. Charlesoakisland, thank you BROTHER, and YOU know what I MEAN. If there were not soldiers like you, I would have had no map to my career, my dream, my LIFE!!! Virginamama!!! What can I say? The word lady personified. William, such a gracious and committed man. God Bless you and your family for all the days that this marble turns. You, SIR, (and I don't throw SIR around much now that I don't HAVE to) will go down in HISTORY!!!! You will be seen as the PATRIOT of North Carolina. Of course, that will grow to the entire United States. Whether these are the worst of times or the best of times will be decided by others. We are the 25, 36, 48, and 56 year olds of 2005. We are the people that spoke up at this time in the history of AMERICA. Just like the brothers that broke it off in England, fought the Whiskey Rebellion, repealed prohabition, gave women the right to vote, broke the stangle hold of slavery, put a man on the moon, fought the civil war, gave birth to Faulkner, Hemmingway, Disney, Fannie Lou Hamer, Halle Berry and James Baldwin. We are AMERICANS, and TEXAS is what is going on now!!!! It all comes down to these 256 counties. The former and future REPUBLIC OF TEXAS

If this sounds like goodbye, perhaps it is.
The next 60 days will tell the story. Will Rick Scary, i mean Perry have us arrested? Will the Bush white house turn the military on US? Will the same military that we have served now KILL US??? Only God knows. But old SIXX talks to him daily, and he has not provided an answer yet. I will wait for the answer, but in the mean time, in between time, I am going to go on the example of King David. This is not a religous board and I will not preach or that other big word for it here. Just know that I believe in GOD, and, so far, he believes in ME. I ask myself why I did not die in Iraq in 1991. Why did I walk out of Bosnia? Why was I not in the Civil War (other than age)? Why don't I hit 350 yard drives like Tiger? Why was I not there to protect the four little girls killed in Birminham? Why was I not able to help President Kennedy during his brain surgery? Why was I not there to keep Dr. King from being MURDERED? Why was I not the first man on the moon? The answer is RESOUNDING. I was meant to be RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW