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  1. #11
    Senior Member
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    Anchor Babies Sue U.S. to Allow Parents to Stay
    More than 100 kids sue over parents' deportations

  2. #12
    Senior Member butterbean's Avatar
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    These people will try any stunt to get their way. They are NOT U.S. citizens.
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  3. #13
    Senior Member Captainron's Avatar
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    Do you have any legal reasoning to offer to counter this argument. I really try on a lot of the c--p they come up with, but don't yet have any on this one.
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  4. #14
    Senior Member Dixie's Avatar
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    The children are citizens. Their legal guardians are foreign nationals. Minors do not have the rights to determine their residents, that is up to the parents/guardians, unless superseded by a civil court case. Such as custody, child protection... a revocation of parental rights... guardianship/power of attorney...

    They are trying to stay in the US and keep parental rights and keep their parents here. Can't have it both ways.

    Federal Government nor Federal Court should be involved in child custody issues.

    Our military men and women are stationed abroad and they take their children with them to foreign bases all the time. Just because they are Americans, doesn't mean they can't live in another country with their parents.

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  5. #15
    Senior Member Bowman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dixie
    Just because they are Americans, doesn't mean they can't live in another country with their parents.
    Legal immigrants do it all the time, take their US born children with them back to their home country to live for a while. Sometimes the immigrants go back home permanently which means giving up their green cards, but they still take their children with them.

    It seems to me these illegal foreign criminals are abusing their children, by leaving them here as a bargaining chip, I say if they do that they should lose all custody and rights.
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  6. #16
    Senior Member JohnDoe2's Avatar
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    Send all illegal aliens home and have them take their anchor babies with them.

    Don't reward the criminal actions of millions of illegal aliens by giving them citizenship.

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  7. #17
    Administrator Jean's Avatar
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    The article posted at the beginning of this thread has now been updated.

    Jun 17, 6:10 PM EDT

    More than 100 kids sue over parents' deportations

    AP Hispanic Affairs Writer

    MIAMI (AP) -- Ronald Soza celebrated his 10th birthday Wednesday with cake and a serenade by more than 100 other children and their parents.

    His own family: absent. His mother was recently deported back to Nicaragua. His father rarely ventures out in public in fear of a similar fate. Now Soza and the other children - all U.S. citizens whose parents face deportation - are demanding a say in the immigration debate.

    They are suing President Barack Obama, asking a court to halt the deportations of their parents until Congress overhauls U.S. immigration laws.

    The children, who gathered Wednesday at the Miami nonprofit American Fraternity to draw attention to their cause, say their constitutional rights are being violated because they will likely have to leave the country if their parents are forced to go.

    Some children said their families didn't have enough money to pay for school supplies because the breadwinning parent had been deported, and some are at risk of losing their homes. They also say they are suffering psychological and physical hardship.

    "My grades went from A's to C's when my mom had to leave," said Ronald.

    Nearby, 5-year-old Sara Bedoya Sanchez comforted her sister Salome, 3, who played with a paper sign pinned to her chest reading "Don't Leave me alone."

    "I came today because I want to stay with my mommy here," said Sara, who was born in South Florida, but whose mother came from Medellin, Colombia, through Mexico, crossing the Rio Grande on foot nearly a decade ago.

    Nora Sandigo, the head of the Fraternity, originally brought the case on behalf of the children against the Bush administration. She refiled it in January in Miami and a hearing is scheduled for August.

    Sandigo said she is frustrated that the Obama administration hasn't done more to address immigration reform.

    "Today these children's voices are not heard," Sandigo said as dozens of youngsters squirmed and twirled their flags on a rug before her, "but tomorrow these U.S. citizens will be voting."

    Perhaps not literally, but many of the more than 100 children who gathered Wednesday are already in their teens and will be voting age by the next presidential election.

    Also on Wednesday, religious leaders and supporters gathered in Washington for a prayer vigil in advance of Obama's proposed meeting on immigration next week with congressional leaders.

    Sandigo says many of the children's parents came to the U.S. before 1996 immigration changes made it more difficult for them to become legal residents. When they came, they had a valid expectation that if they stayed out of trouble for seven years, they could eventually become legal residents, she has argued.

    Immigration experts say the case has a tough road in the courts because Congress explicitly made the law retroactive.

    And the plight of the children is not grounds for their parents to remain in the U.S., said Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, which seeks to limit immigration.

    "These are deportable aliens, and they get whatever due process Congress grants them and nothing more," Krikorian said.

    "There are going to be times when you're going to want to make exceptions in certain cases, but today the law is so riddled with exceptions that now is not the time."

    Sandigo has championed seemingly hopeless causes before. She brought a lawsuit in the early 1990s to help fellow Nicaraguans avoid being deported back to their war-ravaged country. The case prompted Congress to pass an amnesty law for many Central Americans.

    The current lawsuit could also advance the cause of immigrants in the political arena, said immigration Scholar Louis DeSipio of the University of California, Irvine.

    "It's a very conscious decision of the immigrant advocates to focus on this issue," he added, "to disabuse Americans of the images we have of men in their twenties and thirties running across the border, showing instead that it's a family affair."
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  9. #19
    MW is offline
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    More than 100 kids sue over parents' deportations
    Perhaps the children should bring a lawsuit against their parents. After all, the parents are the ones directly responsible for the situation these children are in.

    The law is the law and to my knowledge there are no exception in our immigration laws that allow for illegal aliens to stay simply because they are the parents of American citizens.

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  10. #20
    Gunnner134's Avatar
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    Kids sue

    I feel for these kids to a certain degree, however, the federal government is not their problem nor did the federal government create their problem, their parents did when they entered the U.S. illegally. Just another cost to American taxpayers, the children were probably born in a hospital still waiting for payment of those births...

    Have a nice day...The Gunner...

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