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Texas Immigrants Urged to Buy Nothing July 4th
to show anger at law that would ban 'sanctuary cities'

Immigrant rights groups in San Antonio are urging immigrants, both legal and illegal, not to buy anything on July 4th, to show their displeasure which a proposed state law which would outlaw so called 'Sanctuary Cities,' 1200 WOAI news reports.

"It's unconstitutional on its face," attorney Roger Guevara said. "It violates federal law."

The measure, which was declared an 'emergency' by Gov. Rick Perry, would mandate that police agencies check the immigration status of all individuals they come into contact with in the course of their daily activities. It would also withhold state funding from any community which declines to comply.

"This would turn Texas into a 'papers please!' state," said Jaime Martinez of the Cesar Chavez Legacy and Educational Foundation.

The activists say if immigrants refrain from buying items on July 4th, it will show Texas the economic impact that immigrants legal and illegal have on the state's economy. Martinez says regardless of a person's legal status, the individual is required to pay sales tax on all purchases, and sales taxes are the state's primary source of income.

Activist Gabriel Velasquez says rather than punishing illegal immigrants, Texas should welcome them.

"Bring them in as our brothers and sisters, educate them, and take advantage of those very traditional values that they have," Velasquez said, adding that the only solution to what President Obama described as a 'broken' immigration system is 'amnesty.'

Just like the Republican President Ronald Reagan got through Congress back in the 1980s," he said.

Guevara said the only possible outcome of the bill will be illegal racial profiling.

"Let's face it," he said. "Profiling brown people in America is like profiling black people in Africa. This is a ridiculous proposal that is being made to satisfy a very racist America." ... le=8577206