Teamster Leadership Stages Phony Protest In San Diego And Passes Out Fliers To Organize Mexicans

Published by The Watchdog
September 6th, 2007 in Jobs, Pro-Illegal Groups.

This is a Minuteman report from today. I received this in an email and I’ve decided to withhold the Minuteman’s name since some people like to remain anonymous.

[i][color=darkred]I got up early, and showed up at the Otay Mesa truck inspection station on Enrico Fermi Rd. I saw fellow Minuteman Ken there, and he was the only other person with an American flag, besides me.

Wondering what WE THE PEOPLE could do to stop this nonsense, I was hopeful when I heard the Teamsters were finally going to do something, and hold a protest at the inspections station this morning at 6:00am. When I got there, I saw about 5 police/CHP crusiers and 30 union people carrying small signs complaining about the safety of the Mexican trucks, and giving numerous interviews to all the media (Fox11, 600AM, 8-CBS, etc.). When I started to discuss with some of the union people the fact that ALL American workers were being sold out, and that we all need to stick together (I’m an Engineer who has been affected by the H1-B Visa insourcing), they really didn’t have any comments at that point… but then, I noticed Ken down on the corner, and walked that way. Shortly thereafter, Ken noticed one of the Union Leaders distributing flyers to the Mexican Truckers, away from all the cameras - he was trying to ORGANIZE THEM! Ken was incensed! When I saw this, I became disgusted and immediately rolled up my flag, and started walking to my truck to leave… as I went by the crowd of “union picketersâ€