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Obama Speech: Part 1 | Part 2
Images: Protesters Face Off Outside La Raza Convention
Latino Expo Focuses Consumers

Obama: Latinos Hold 'Election In Your Hands'
Democrat Proposes Tax Credit For Business Health Care

POSTED: 12:41 pm PDT July 13, 2008
UPDATED: 2:28 pm PDT July 13, 2008

SAN DIEGO -- More than 2,000 people crowded into a ballroom at the San Diego Convention Center Sunday to hear a speech by Sen. Barack Obama before the National Council of La Raza, NBC 7/39 reported.

Watch Complete Obama Speech: Part 1 | Part 2
Images: Protesters Face Off Outside La Raza Convention

The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee began speaking just after 12:30 p.m. at a brunch titled "The Power To Change History." The event, which began at 11 a.m., is part of the second day of the National Council of La Raza's 40th annual convention.

In his speech Obama spoke about immigration, "the need to stop the hateful rhetoric filling our airwaves" and "bringing the 12 million people here without documentation out of the shadows" to give them a "pathway to citizenship." Obama accused McCain of abandoning after major immigration legislation fell apart last year.

"I know Sen. McCain used to buck his party on immigration by fighting for comprehensive reform and admired him for it. But when he was running for his party's nomination, he abandoned his courageous stance and said he wouldn't even support his own legislation if it came up for a vote," Obama said.

Both McCain and Obama support an eventual path to citizenship for millions of immigrants in the country illegally, although McCain, a senator from the border state of Arizona, has shifted his emphasis to securing the U.S. border before turning his focus back to overhauling immigration laws.

For his part, McCain has a new television ad, titled "God's Children," in which he lauds the military service of Hispanics.

Obama's speech is the latest in a series of efforts by the senator to reach out to Latino voters, a constituency over which he and his Republican rival, John McCain, are battling. Latinos are expected to impact the voting in such battleground states as Nevada, Colorado and New Mexico and in others with large numbers of Spanish-speaking voters.

"Make no mistake about it: The Latino community holds this election in your hands," Obama said to cheers. "I am here today to make you this promise: I will be a president who stands with you and fights for you and walks with you every single step of the way."

Obama proposed up to a 50-percent tax credit for small businesses providing health insurance to their employees, a program he hopes has special appeal to Latinos and other minority groups struggling for a toehold in the U.S. economy.

The idea had been championed by Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York, whom Obama defeated in the battle for the Democratic presidential nomination.

"We know that small businesses are the engines of economic prosperity in our communities, especially in Latino communities," Obama said in an address to several thousand Hispanics attending the annual convention of the National Council of La Raza.

"My plan won't impose any new burdens on small businesses. Instead, we'll help them not just create new jobs, but good jobs -- jobs with health care, jobs that stay right here in America, the kinds of jobs we need in our communities," the Illinois senator said.

While the precise cost and details of the program were not immediately available, a campaign statement said the "credit would be fully available to small firms, and would be phased out for medium-sized firms. It would also be phased out for small firms with high-income employees."

Outside the convention center, hundreds of protesters on one side of the street waved American flags and carried signs protesting illegal immigration, La Raza and Obama. On the other side of the street, a comparable number of counter-protestors waved signs supporting Obama.

The luncheon is being aired live on NBCSandiego.com.

McCain will speak at a NCLR luncheon on Monday.

NCLR is the nation's largest Latino civil rights group. Both presidential candidates are appearing at the convention to woo Hispanic voters.

Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa spoke Saturday, backing Obama and arguing that the Bush administration has selectively enforced immigration law in a way that breaks up families.

A recent poll shows Obama with a strong lead over McCain among likely Hispanic voters.

While in California, Obama also had fundraisers scheduled in San Diego and Newport Beach. In addition, Obama made an address via satellite to the American Federation of Teachers convention in Chicago in which he reiterated his education views. The union has endorsed him.
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