One of the questions I have heard repeatedly on the talk radio shows is:

What do we do after the tea parties? How do we keep the momentum going until election day.

One of the objects of the tea parties is to put the president and members of congress on notice.

We need someone with computer savvy to set up a site and entitle it something like TAKING AMERICA BACK.

There should be a page set up for every single member of congress, both reps and senators, plus one for president.

These pages would be for Americans to sign up and should say something like....I WILL NOT SUPPORT OR VOTE FOR THIS (rep, senator or president) AGAIN AND WILL DO EVERYTHING I CAN TO INSURE HE/SHE IS NOT RE-ELECTED.

It should have a space for name and town/state.

Is there any way to get something like this going?

It would be interesting to see the reaction of these fools as they see voters lining up against them.