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  1. #1
    loneprotester's Avatar
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    Who is the real criminal?

    I have read a lot on the subject of illegal immigration during the last few months. I have had plenty of reason to, seeing as how my son and I are being run out of business by the ones who are here to do the jobs that Americans will not do. (How I hate those words). Illegal immigration is the scourge of America. It is like an infestation. It has affected every part of America. health care, education, jobs, businesses, the legal system, prisons, our freedoms and a lot more. It is tearing our country apart, 80 to 85% of Americans want our laws enforced and all of the politicians want to do is move from amnesty bill to amnesty bill. There is a huge disconnect here because the politicians aren’t listening to we the people. Because of this the rule of law is suspended in a lot of cities and states. Anarchy reins in some places to a certain extent. Even our law enforcement agencies and justice system have been corrupted by the illegality permitted by our politicians.
    Most of my experience dealing with illegal competition has been in the workplace the last couple of years. But I have experience with the legal side of immigration too, and a little bit dealing with the education system. My wife and daughter are from the Philippines and it took them 2 years to get here the legal way. And thousands of dollars. My wife, being a legal immigrant can’t get a job until she gets her green card. If INS found out she was working before getting that card she would be deported quickly. This is the legal way. She has to follow the laws to the letter. We have some friends in Camden whose son was deported to the Philippines last year because, after coming here legally, INS found out that they had allowed him to come in under the wrong Visa. So he had to go to the back of the line again and can’t reapply for 3 years. That’s the legal way to come to America. The illegal way is to simply walk across our border, never mind the paperwork or anything else. Just walk across and feel free to take what you want.
    In South Carolina we have an estimated 500,000 illegal aliens. I don’t know the figures for Columbia but it is a major portion of that. And a major draw for illegal aliens here is the construction and landscaping industries. I can say, from experience the last two years, that 65% to 75% of the workers in the home building trades are illegal Hispanics. All of the contractors and subcontractors employing them are the main reason there are so many here. And the landscaping companies, can’t forget them.
    These employers, by their actions, are why my business is going bankrupt. They are forcing me out of business by their willful neglect of our laws. In their eyes it is the almighty dollar that rules, and damn the American workers and damn the laws. And our justice system is behind them, instead of behind we the people. It is a disgusting situation to be caught in. The fact is that everyone one of them that employs illegal aliens are breaking federal law but they don’t seem to care if anyone knows. They are very brazen about it also, the excuse I usually get from contractors’ are that they don’t have any control over who their subcontractors employ. Which isn’t true because they own the lots where the work is done.
    And there are a lot of builders and subcontractors breaking our laws around Columbia. When confronted with their actions they scream they will sue you for dirtying their company’s good name. They have done that to themselves by their own actions. Not mine. They will also scream that you are a racist and a bigot if you complain about losing their work to illegal competition. They will say that you are lazy and do shoddy work to rationalize their actions by employing illegal aliens. But, they are the criminals and not me and other small businessmen like me. I protest a job that I lost because the homeowner is planning on lining his own pocket by using a company that employs illegal
    aliens. For my efforts I get arrested and spend the night in jail. My rights are violated, I am being forced into bankruptcy. And I am the criminal by my actions? There is no way in hell. These people have got my anger up, and I am going to get justice. That homeowner, the developer and the company that employed the illegal alien roofers are the real criminals here, not me. I was just standing up for my rights as a small businessman that is being forced out of business by illegal competition.
    I want to give you two examples of how these businesses rationalize their actions be employing illegal aliens. Both are quotes from them in the State newspaper here in Columbia. On July 24th 2007, David Livingston, President of Green Earth Services Inc. is quoted as saying “it is frustrating and difficult for those of us who are in labor-intensive industries to find competent employees. He says, no one seems willing to address the increasing laziness and loss of work ethic of our own citizenryâ€

  2. #2
    Senior Member grandmasmad's Avatar
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    You have the have the addresses.....maybe post a message asking others in the area to call ICE....If enough people call with the names/addresses....maybe they will come.....worth a shot....get your friends to call....supposedly you can call with a tip without giving your name....I agree 100% with you...
    The difference between an immigrant and an illegal alien is the equivalent of the difference between a burglar and a houseguest. Join our efforts to Secure America's Borders and End Illegal Immigration by Joining ALIPAC's E-Mail Alerts network (CLICK HERE)

  3. #3
    Senior Member Rawhide's Avatar
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    I think its time we let them all know we are tired of this "pick and choose" law enforcement.I would think they would know how we feel after defeating the amnasty bill TWICE this year,once shutting down the phone system at the Senate.

    WHY do they-the gov't AND law enforcement keep standing down and LETTING this invasion happen?

    If you know a way LoneProtester to finally solve this problem please share it (I mean this genuinely)because I'm at a loss-no matter what I do (letting elected officials know) the problem just keeps getting worse.

    I hear many say "We can have this turned around in 5-10 years,if we just keep at it." I ABSOLUTELY do not believe we have that long.We will be finished as a country if these criminals are not "rounded up and deported" as soon as possible.

    In my area the problem isn't only in construction and lawncare-we have them in everything,including working for the DOT of Virginia!

    Sorry for the rant-I am behind you 100% LoneProtester, I'm just having a hard time seeing any hope in the future for America and her LEGAL citizens.

  4. #4
    loneprotester's Avatar
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    Who is the real criminal?

    I don't know how to correct the situation, the other side is vastly more organized than we are. But I am doing my own little bit to help out, I will take my cursing case all the way to the supreme court if I am forced to. We have to start using some ingenuity, I am going to write some articles on construction companies I used to do work for. I plan on documenting it with contractors names, addresses and pictures of the illegal aliens doing the work I used to do. I am going to report these companies to ICE and the IRS and see what I can do about suing them for unfair business practices and report them for violations of the RICO Act. The main thing we need to do is realize that this is our country and do what we need to do to take it back.

  5. #5
    Senior Member MinutemanCDC_SC's Avatar
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    Re: Who is the real criminal?

    Quote Originally Posted by loneprotester
    I don't know how to correct the situation, the other side is vastly more organized than we are . . . I am going to report these companies to ICE and the IRS and see what I can do about suing them for unfair business practices and report them for violations of the RICO Act.
    We know that the other side is all over the available jobs before we find out about them. What are their networking connections? RICO prosecutions for treble damages appear to be in order.

    The IRS broke Al Capone through his evasion of taxes on vice and liquor. Perhaps we can convince IRS (and Social Security?) to get on board, given what untaxed payrolls cost the U.S. Treasury.

    BTW, are you the roofing contractor in Irmo who was featured in The State a few months ago?
    One man's terrorist is another man's undocumented worker.

    Unless we enforce laws against illegal aliens today,
    tomorrow WE may wake up as illegals.

    The last word: illegal aliens are ILLEGAL!

  6. #6
    loneprotester's Avatar
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    Who is the real criminal?

    I think that was the article about me. It was a mostly slam me article though.

  7. #7
    Senior Member MinutemanCDC_SC's Avatar
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    Who is the real patriot?

    Quote Originally Posted by loneprotester
    I think that was the article about me. It was a mostly slam me article though.
    I thought it was mostly complimentary, with a few concessions to "equal coverage." But pm me about how to contact you, so I can tell a couple of friends in Irmo about you.

    From reading the article in The State, it was obvious that,

    "You, sir, are a true patriot."
    One man's terrorist is another man's undocumented worker.

    Unless we enforce laws against illegal aliens today,
    tomorrow WE may wake up as illegals.

    The last word: illegal aliens are ILLEGAL!

  8. #8
    Senior Member MinutemanCDC_SC's Avatar
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    tracking the usurper-in-chief and on his trail

    Re: Who is the real criminal?

    Quote Originally Posted by loneprotester
    In South Carolina we have an estimated 500,000 illegal aliens. I don’t know the figures for Columbia but it is a major portion of that. And a major draw for illegal aliens here is the construction and landscaping industries. I can say, from experience the last two years, that 65% to 75% of the workers in the home building trades are illegal Hispanics. All of the contractors and subcontractors employing them are the main reason there are so many here. And the landscaping companies, can’t forget them.
    500,000 illegal aliens in a population of 4 million. Since that half million is unreported, does that mean that the actual population of S.C. is 4½ million?

    In my S.C. county, the reported figures are obviously low to anyone with an ear to hear or an eye to see. The 2000 census counted my county as 0.7% Hispanic. But in 2007, USA Today reported the same county as under 5% illegal aliens. Hogwash! If only 0.7% are legitimate and documented, what status are all these other Hispanics we see here?

    Why is it that nearly every new big pickup truck has an Hispanic at the wheel? Whenever I see an NBPUT, I know who is driving before I see the driver. That's not profiling; that's empirical observation.

    [quote="loneprotester"] On June 27th 2007, Jo Dell Pickens of JD Services is quoted as saying she “employs 22 illegal alien roofers in her roofing business, that’s just the reality of roofing work in Columbiaâ€
    One man's terrorist is another man's undocumented worker.

    Unless we enforce laws against illegal aliens today,
    tomorrow WE may wake up as illegals.

    The last word: illegal aliens are ILLEGAL!

  9. #9
    loneprotester's Avatar
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    Jan 1970

    Who is the real criminal?

    What I did may not have been profitable and still isn't when it comes to my business but I did make a statement and I plan on making it as long as there is a breath in my body.

  10. #10
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    Lone Protester, obviously the immigration law violations are more serious, by far.
    But that doesn't make what you did profitable, either.
    I disagree. If we had a choice of remedy Loneprotestor's route would not have been the chosen one. But I think he took the only opportunity available to him and that it was taken out of frustration over the government's failure to act.

    A misdemeanor criminal case that the district attorney is anxious to settle is certainly not the best forum to expose the inequity of illegal immigrants undercutting the wages of legal citizens. However, it cannot be denied that his case has been effective in putting the issue in the sunshine. Lou Dobbs did an excellent piece on it; it has been in newspapers, and here we are still talking about it.

    We have no way to measure the effect the case has had in the local community, but my bet would be that it has caused some jitters among those who would employ illegals.

    In my opinion Loneprotestor's actions are a net gain despite the personal grief to him.

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