Yeah, and it's a sad thing to be right about, too. One of the great tragedies of our country with no end in sight. Republicans really need to be more vocal about this, it's a hard thing to message, as the truth often is, but somehow Republicans must find a way to help our black Americans escape this trap. Trump did a pretty good job during his campaign, pointing out a lot of situations about this in our inner cities, he also needs to incorporate the massive immigration policies that hurt so many black Americans into his messages. He would have resounding support for this message from Republicans, but black Democrats protected by the elites of the party would come out snarling like cornered rats, because they are as guilty as anyone, selling out their own people to win an election or get a job or a post of some kind. There was a term for these people a long time ago which I will not use, but the condition it describes is even more prevalent today than it was then. Very sad situation.