crazybird wrote:
uniteas is correct. The economy is not the only reason...heck supposidly the economy was great and people were already fed-up. It's been part of the entire picture all along. People, atleast citizens have stepped aside and watched our jobs go overseas for the sake of a global economy, we have been downsized, out-sourced and everything for cheap labor. Funded everything going, fighting other peoples wars, sending them money and then a flood of illegals, and a ton of visa workers to do jobs we can and do do, except they do it for cheaper. I can guarentee you if there was a company who has the majority of illegals working there.....they are breaking other laws....and undermining all the work generations before have worked for. Citizens getting tired of not getting a job because they don't speak Spanish, yet you can't order a burger in English and have it done right. The end of all understanding and compassion for me was the big march. The first march. Lazy? Europeans go home? This is their country? LaRaza and all their racist bull. Special and different rules for illegals but not for everyone else? I now need a passport to go to see the Canadian side of the falls, but they "can't" control our borders? The Mexican government telling this country how to treat their illegal citizens here, when they don't treat them any better. Not to mention a very unfriendly immigrant country, forget being illegal. Racist at every turn. Tons of laws being broken across the board and nothing done. Entire towns across this country, north south east and west being turned into barrios as citizens flee because it's intolerable to live there.

Now, you are correct, anti-everything....they did not start any of these problems, but they have taken it to unreal levels. Lets see....drugs were here...Mexico provides 90% of them comming over the border....they relied on our citizens to do their they don't have to, because they have their own here illegally doing it for them. Yep, we had gangs, but not nearly as ruthless and cruel as the new ones have been. And really, I would like to see an article and have names for who the "white gangs" are that are shooting up the neighborhoods. Yes, I doubt there is a crime going that someone in every race hasn't done....but right now it is a vast majority of hispanics doing the vast majority of them....and the majority of them are illegal. Maybe I'm not up to par, but I don't recall any black gang dismembering a body and dumping it. It was astonishing when Americans heard of it in the war. Sorry, that's just not "typical" American behavior from any group. Yes....some sick unit might have done it, like Dahmer or something....but not behavior done by a group of people. Never random exicution style like those poor kids out east. (The black college students that were brutally mudered) Vast increase in ra*e and child molestation and a host of other crimes. Can't even remember when the last time I heard of people fleeing the scene of an accident....let alone a video of 29 people running from a van. Yes, maybe we had issues in the past......but I can say without a doubt.....never like this. We have adjusted to many waves of legal immigrants.....but nothing like this group and the majority aren't even legal. Not one mention of the issues our citizens have suffered. No mention of our families forever being destroyed by the actions of illegals. Identies being stolen and lives ruined and nothing. It became such a problem in so many areas of this country....all the same issues....that everyone knew and knows this goes WAY beyond "adjustment" or anything else.

All I know is the citizens have taken the brunt of the hate and loss and nothing and not many are standing up for us, protecting us or doing anything for us. Why can Jerome be put in jail for a joint, but Jose gets a free pass at the border as long as it's under 500 lbs.? Pedro kills an entire family and gets squat and our border agents shoot a drug smuggler in the but and gets 10-11 years? (yes they are out now...)Mike gets his car impounded, fined, license revolked, classes to take, probation, and who knows what all for a DUI stop, but Hosea doesn't? Debbie can loose custody of her kids if she doesn't immediatly file for divorce if Mark comes home and gets violent, again....but Maria can call 5 days a week and nothing happens? Tyrone graduates from school and can't get a job because he doesn't speak Spanish, but Jose, who hasn't gone to school, or speak English, or even legally here, gets it? We are searching for jobs and hasn't anyone wondered how, someone, illegal, from another country, no education, nothing, has a job WAITING for them here? It's an entire underground movement.....corruption. Illegals to blame? No. But they are a critical PART of it. Should only them suffer? NO. Not by a long shot.....nor are they exempt. NO....not ALL hispanics are a part of this problem,,,,ALL whites didn't own slaves either......but unfortunatly the group suffers..especially when the LEGAL ones won't stand up against illegal behavior. This was allowed to happen and I don't blame just illegals, nor should just they we have seen corruption abounds across this country and in our own government and all I know is ..... ENFORCE our LAWS!!!!! I don't care if it's Madolf ripping people off, Gates claiming Americans are too stupid and we need to import cheap labor to do jobs Americans can do, to Bush or Pelosi or anyone else saying we NEED illegals because we're LAZY, to corrupt business owners benefitting off illegal labor, to slum lords making a killing off the poor.....I've had it from the whole lot!

I want the whole list of corruption to stop. White, black, brown, yellow, orange and green, rich and poor, legal and illegal.

By far the best comment I have ever read on the subject. Everything that needs to be said was said. Nice one crazybird!