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November 27, 2007

The Bush Push To Take Control Of Our Media and What You Can Do About It
By Cliff Carson

The FCC, headed up by Bush crony Kevin Martin, is laying plans to take from you freedom of the Media, that is if you let them. And yes, you can stop them, if enough of us join together to form a formidable army of opposition. With millions of Internet users and a multitude of even more Newspaper readers, TV watchers, and Radio listeners, one would think stopping the grab would be a slam-dunk. Don’t kid yourself. The enemy, those who would steal your freedom of the press, is counting on you sitting on your duff only to whine when the hammer falls.

The time to take action is now. Martin plans to eliminate on December 11th, the FCC regulation that stops Conglomerate ownership of a Newspaper, a Radio Station, and/or a Television Station in the same City. This is a protection for the public from a Media that could be utilized, by those like Bush and his Cronies; to subject the area public with saturated 24/7 propaganda, spun news, and likely censorship. Imagine that if all the news and information you could get came from one source, could you ever be sure of just what exactly was going on. For an illustrative scenario read the book 1984 by George Orwell.

They are also after the Internet. See, the Bush appointee Kevin Bush (and his Big Business Corporate Friends) would have you believe that the Internet is going to crash and at that time you will lose your Internet and only if you give it away to them now can it be saved. The FCC underlying message is this: “By Internet Users taking control of their Internet, they are straining the net to its top the limit. The only way to save the Internet from the coming “exafloodâ€