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  1. #81
    Senior Member SecureTheBorder's Avatar
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    Ski Country, CO
    Quote Originally Posted by AngelaTC
    Actually, Ron Paul supporters are intelligent to get their news from sources other than Fox.
    Yep, the real die-hards disconnect their cable.

    You can disagree with me, but I can back up every point I make with dates and facts.
    Some of these "facts" could only be backed up by an Alex Jones or Ron Paul website.

    You are delusional if you thnk we have some God-given right to set up camp anywhere we choose in the world, and the people who live there better suck up their national pride and get used to us running the show.
    That's not my opinion, but who am I to get in the way of a good character assassination.

    Can you imagine the reaction we would have if the Chinese set up bases in Alaska? Heck, we wouldn't even allow Russia to have a base in Cuba. Why on earth should the Americans think that we have the right to shove a base anywhere we feel like it?
    That's the most glaring logical fallacy made by islamapologists. They believe that if the U.S. completely abandons the middle east, the islamofascists will put down their AK-47's, sing kumbaya, and become friends with the Great Satan. Unfortunately for them, some of us have actually read the Koran and know that's a pipe dream.

    If Muslims are such awful people, why are we even over there? Why not let Saddam continue to slaughter his opponents? Heck, isn't that why we helped get him in power?
    Not everyone who opposes islamofascism supports Dubya's liberal muslim nation building scheme.

    The Muslims have lived here peacefully for 300+ years. That is a fact.
    Yes, Islam is such a "peaceful" religion that it has managed to overtake Scientology as the most litigious religion in the U.S.. Islamic advocacy groups are actively working to stop free speech and undermine the separation between church and state.

    On American soil, we have had more terrorists attacks by Christians than Muslims. That is a fact.
    I love how islamapologists always gloss over the fact that 9/11 was the largest foreign attack on U.S. soil in American history. I guess that inconvenient truth doesn't jive with their world view. Oh well, as long as those christian fundies bomb an abortion clinic once or twice every decade, it's perfectly acceptable for islamofascists to commit thousands of deadly terror attacks every year.

    Our foreign policy creates hostility. That is a fact.
    I'd rather have a foreign policy that "creates hostility" than appease islamofascists like Ahmadenijad and socialists like Chavez. Not everyone in the world likes us and we can't all be friends.

    Yes, we did go to war with the Barbary pirates. That's exactly why - they weren't fighting us because we're free. They were fighting us because they were pirates who wanted our loot. That's a fact.
    Any country that is forced to pay the jiza in order to use international waters sure as hell isn't free.

    We heard the same crap about communists when were were occupying Vietnam. "If we don't beat them they'll follow us home and we'll all be speaking Russian!" That's a fact.
    What's ironic is that the libs and commies at home who opposed the Truman Doctrine turned out to be a far greater danger to U.S. sovereignty than international communism ever was.

    President Bush made up the word "Islamofascists" and he does not use it any more. That's a fact.
    If that's true, big props to Dubya for putting two and two together. Most of the terrorist groups today sprang up from the Muslim Brotherhood, whose leader, the Grand Mufti, espoused an islamic form of national socialism that was heavily influenced and partially financed by Hitler's Third Reich.

    Every single thing that President Bush said when "justifying" the war in Iraq was wrong. That is a fact.
    All of those SAM's that Saddam fired at U.S. planes while patrolling the no-fly zone must have been filled with flowers and chocolates.

    He also said that true Muslim was a religion of peace, and that the terrorists were a small, radical faction that does not represent the majority of peace loving people. That's a fact.
    It's not surprising that a politician with no core values would submit to political correctness.

    We declared war on Iraq. They did not attack us, nor did they declare war on us. That is a fact.
    1) The U.S. never declared war on Iraq. (I thought Ron Paul supporters would know this.)

    2) Iraq did attack us on numerous occasions after the first gulf war.

    We orchestrated regime changes in Iran to protect British oil. That is a fact.
    How many Americans need to die until we've paid for meddling in Iran's domestic affairs? Islamic advocacy groups meddle with our domestic affairs on a daily basis and you don't hear Americans chanting "Death to the Muslims".

    The current Iraqi government, our "allies," have told us that a continued presence (other than a small dipolmatic contingent) will create hostility. Specifically, they see the multi-billion dollar "embassy" we're building as dangerous to Americans. That is a fact.
    Of course, islamapologists conveniently deny the fact that the vast majority of Iraqis want more than just "a small [American] diplomatic contingent" to remain in the country for the forseeable future. They may not want huge U.S. bases in Iraq, but they also don't want us to cut and run while Iran is funding an islamofascist insurgency in their country.

    The Saudis told us that the base we insisted on occupying after the Gulf War was going to create hostility. That is a fact.
    Why do the Saudis insist on allowing the U.S. to set up shop in their country? Could it be that they fear their enemies in the middle east more than they hate the Great Satan?

    I can go on, but I already that common sense means nothing when passion and hate rule the mind.
    Janet Marguia called. She wants her line back.

  2. #82
    Senior Member chloe24's Avatar
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    May 2006

    Re: Chloe

    Quote Originally Posted by SecureTheBorder
    Quote Originally Posted by AngelaTC
    It never made sense to me - Muslims have lived in this country long before we were even a country, and they managed to do so without chopping our heads off or burning the churches. SO, either they fooled us for the past 300 years, or somebody else was fooling us for the past 10.

    No offense, but that has to be one of the most "interesting" comments I've read on this message board. First of all, islamofascists declared war on Western Civilization more than 30 years ago. Ever since the Iran hostage crisis in 1979, they've committed one attack after another. FYI, islamofascists have committed more than 11,000 deadly terror attacks since 9/11.

    Second of all, the very first war that the U.S. fought was against muslim countries (on the Barbary Coast) that extorted vast sums of money from our fledgling republic by stealing our commercial ships and holding the crews for ransom. While many European powers were paying these pirates "the jiza" in order to pass by these countries unmolested, founding fathers like Jefferson realized that paying the jiza would only encourage more attacks so the U.S. eventually declared war on these rogue states and took the fight to them. For some reason, many of our most important and venerated founding fathers didn't think it was a good idea for the U.S. to appease religious zealots who viewed non-muslims as inferior beings that should be exterminated unless they're willing to pay the jiza.

    "Who knows only his own generation remains always a child." -Author Unknown

    "If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." -Joseph Goebbels

    "Google is your friend" -SecureTheBorder

    Now back to the regular programming of blaming the U.S. and Israel for all of the terrorist attacks committed by islamofascists for their "religion of peace". And Ron Paul supporters wonder why more people didn't vote for him.
    Oh, that must be it. The Israeli and American governments can do no wrong. And if anyone even suggests that these foreign policies may provoke some of the violence in the world, (despite the fact that the CIA reported about the consequences of blowback due to our actions) - nah... none of that matters.

    It's just a bunch of left wing anti-american and anti-semetic propaganda. Sure that must be it because heaven forbid we should actually stand up and question our foreign policy regarding our relationship with Israel. Let's just continue to live in fantasyland and continue these policies while nothing ever gets resolved.

    Perhaps you didn't see my previous post SecureTheBorder.

    Sun Oct 27 01:09:29 2002

    [Zbigniew] Brzezinski not long ago revealed that on July 3, 1979, unknown to the American public and Congress, President Jimmy Carter secretly authorised $500million to create an international terrorist movement that would spread Islamic fundamentalism in Central Asia and "destabilise" the Soviet Union...

    The CIA called this Operation Cyclone and in the following years poured $4billion into setting up Islamic training schools in Pakistan (Taliban means "student").

    Young zealots were sent to the CIA's spy training camp in Virginia, where future members of al-Qaeda were taught "sabotage skills" - terrorism.

    Others were recruited at an Islamic school in Brooklyn, New York, within sight of the fated Twin Towers.

    In Pakistan, they were directed by British MI6 officers and trained by the SAS.

    The result, quipped Brzezinski, was "a few stirred up Muslims" - meaning the Taliban.

    Helloooo.... how can anyone ignore this fact???

    We should stop interferring with other nation's problems! Let Israel defend Israel. And let America take care of her own.

    Regarding Ron Paul:
    First of all, Ron Paul didn't get elected because coming out of the shoot he didn't even get a fair shot. The staus quo felt threatened by him (and still do by the way) So they played their ususal games by omitting his name from polls, ignoring him in the media, laeving his name off of voting ballots, and sometimes even shutting him out of debates. Is that the kind of American democracy you respect? The fact that they went this far to shield him from the American public only confirms to me that he was the real deal.

    And for the record, I too have never heard that Muslims lived in North America prior to the European settlers! Now I'm curious. If someone could provide a link to an article to prove it, I'd be interested in reading it for myself!

  3. #83
    Senior Member chloe24's Avatar
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    Those Muslims who drove the planes into the towers on 9-11 were from Saudia Arabia. If Bush was so concerned about Islamofascists, why didn't he attack Saudia Arabia where they also have those schools that teach radicalism?

    Also, which would you prefer we follow - Our Constitution or the UN? Because we completely disregarded the Constitution and followed the UN mandate to attack Iraq. To think otherwise is just following the neo-con propaganda. We are indeed contributing to the radicalism.

    Anything I hear from Alex Jones, Ron Paul, or whomever, I do research to back it up. So far, Alex Jones and Ron Paul have been right on the issues that I happened to look up.

  4. #84
    Senior Member SicNTiredInSoCal's Avatar
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    Mexico's Maternity Ward :(
    Quote Originally Posted by SecureTheBorder
    Quote Originally Posted by AngelaTC
    Actually, Ron Paul supporters are intelligent to get their news from sources other than Fox.
    Yep, the real die-hards disconnect their cable.

    You can disagree with me, but I can back up every point I make with dates and facts.
    Some of these "facts" could only be backed up by an Alex Jones or Ron Paul website.

    [quote:1ai3tz5c]You are delusional if you thnk we have some God-given right to set up camp anywhere we choose in the world, and the people who live there better suck up their national pride and get used to us running the show.
    That's not my opinion, but who am I to get in the way of a good character assassination.

    Can you imagine the reaction we would have if the Chinese set up bases in Alaska? Heck, we wouldn't even allow Russia to have a base in Cuba. Why on earth should the Americans think that we have the right to shove a base anywhere we feel like it?
    That's the most glaring logical fallacy made by islamapologists. They believe that if the U.S. completely abandons the middle east, the islamofascists will put down their AK-47's, sing kumbaya, and become friends with the Great Satan. Unfortunately for them, some of us have actually read the Koran and know that's a pipe dream.

    If Muslims are such awful people, why are we even over there? Why not let Saddam continue to slaughter his opponents? Heck, isn't that why we helped get him in power?
    Not everyone who opposes islamofascism supports Dubya's liberal muslim nation building scheme.

    The Muslims have lived here peacefully for 300+ years. That is a fact.
    Yes, Islam is such a "peaceful" religion that it has managed to overtake Scientology as the most litigious religion in the U.S.. Islamic advocacy groups are actively working to stop free speech and undermine the separation between church and state.

    On American soil, we have had more terrorists attacks by Christians than Muslims. That is a fact.
    I love how islamapologists always gloss over the fact that 9/11 was the largest foreign attack on U.S. soil in American history. I guess that inconvenient truth doesn't jive with their world view. Oh well, as long as those christian fundies bomb an abortion clinic once or twice every decade, it's perfectly acceptable for islamofascists to commit thousands of deadly terror attacks every year.

    Our foreign policy creates hostility. That is a fact.
    I'd rather have a foreign policy that "creates hostility" than appease islamofascists like Ahmadenijad and socialists like Chavez. Not everyone in the world likes us and we can't all be friends.

    Yes, we did go to war with the Barbary pirates. That's exactly why - they weren't fighting us because we're free. They were fighting us because they were pirates who wanted our loot. That's a fact.
    Any country that is forced to pay the jiza in order to use international waters sure as hell isn't free.

    We heard the same crap about communists when were were occupying Vietnam. "If we don't beat them they'll follow us home and we'll all be speaking Russian!" That's a fact.
    What's ironic is that the libs and commies at home who opposed the Truman Doctrine turned out to be a far greater danger to U.S. sovereignty than international communism ever was.

    President Bush made up the word "Islamofascists" and he does not use it any more. That's a fact.
    If that's true, big props to Dubya for putting two and two together. Most of the terrorist groups today sprang up from the Muslim Brotherhood, whose leader, the Grand Mufti, espoused an islamic form of national socialism that was heavily influenced and partially financed by Hitler's Third Reich.

    Every single thing that President Bush said when "justifying" the war in Iraq was wrong. That is a fact.
    All of those SAM's that Saddam fired at U.S. planes while patrolling the no-fly zone must have been filled with flowers and chocolates.

    He also said that true Muslim was a religion of peace, and that the terrorists were a small, radical faction that does not represent the majority of peace loving people. That's a fact.
    It's not surprising that a politician with no core values would submit to political correctness.

    We declared war on Iraq. They did not attack us, nor did they declare war on us. That is a fact.
    1) The U.S. never declared war on Iraq. (I thought Ron Paul supporters would know this.)

    2) Iraq did attack us on numerous occasions after the first gulf war.

    We orchestrated regime changes in Iran to protect British oil. That is a fact.
    How many Americans need to die until we've paid for meddling in Iran's domestic affairs? Islamic advocacy groups meddle with our domestic affairs on a daily basis and you don't hear Americans chanting "Death to the Muslims".

    The current Iraqi government, our "allies," have told us that a continued presence (other than a small dipolmatic contingent) will create hostility. Specifically, they see the multi-billion dollar "embassy" we're building as dangerous to Americans. That is a fact.
    Of course, islamapologists conveniently deny the fact that the vast majority of Iraqis want more than just "a small [American] diplomatic contingent" to remain in the country for the forseeable future. They may not want huge U.S. bases in Iraq, but they also don't want us to cut and run while Iran is funding an islamofascist insurgency in their country.

    The Saudis told us that the base we insisted on occupying after the Gulf War was going to create hostility. That is a fact.
    Why do the Saudis insist on allowing the U.S. to set up shop in their country? Could it be that they fear their enemies in the middle east more than they hate the Great Satan?

    I can go on, but I already that common sense means nothing when passion and hate rule the mind.
    Janet Marguia called. She wants her line back. [/quote:1ai3tz5c]

    SecureTheBorder, Amen to THAT! All of it.
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