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Thread: "Common Core" And The All-Too-Common Tendencies Of Heavy-Handed Government

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  1. #31
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    Jun 2013
    WELCOME TO HELL: Shock Video of dad arrested at school meeting after challenging Common Core

    By Clash Daily / 21 September 2013

    Published on Sep 20, 2013
    Read original article by Ann Miller on at:

    From the Baltimore Sun: Robert Small said he wanted to express his dismay over the introduction of a new school curriculum at a public forum Thursday night in Towson, but instead the Ellicott City parent was pulled out of the meeting, arrested and charged with second-degree assault of a police officer. Small stood and interrupted Baltimore County School Superintendent Dallas Dance during a question-and-answer session and began to tell the audience that he believed the new curriculum was lowering the standards of education and was intended to prepare students for community colleges. “You are not preparing them for Harvard,” he said. The format of the forum did not allow the public to stand and ask a question. Instead, those who wanted questions answered had to write them on a piece of paper. Dance read the questions and had members of a panel, which included state schools Superintendent Lillian Lowery, answer them. When Small started speaking, Dance told him that he believed his question would be answered, but Small continued to talk. After a couple of minutes, a security guard confronted Small, saying, “Let’s go. Let’s go.” Small, 46, asked him if he was an officer and the security guard, an off-duty Baltimore County police officer, showed him a badge. The officer grabbed Small’s arm and pulled him toward the aisle. The audience gasped and some people sitting nearby got out of their seats. As he was being taken out, Small said, “Don’t stand for this. You are sitting here like cattle.” Then he said, “Is this America?”



    Pass this around this is what is going on in our schools and we are having no say...wake up....
    Last edited by kathyet2; 09-22-2013 at 12:45 PM.

  2. #32
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    Jun 2013
    Common Core lesson teaches fourth-graders about ‘mobstaz’ and ‘pimps

    Posted by EAGNEWS on Sep 22, 2013

    VERMILLION PARISH, La. – Under the new, “more rigorous” national Common Core standards, students are learning a lot of things they may not have learned before. We’re just not sure that’s a good thing. Fourth graders in Vermillion Parish, Louisiana, for instance, learned just last week what pimps and “mobstaz” are in their new Common Core-aligned classroom assignments. Predictably, some parents were not impressed. “I try to instill values in my son,” parent Brittney Badeaux told Fox News. “My goal is for him is ultimately to become a great man, a family man, a well-rounded man. And now my son wants to know what a pimp is.” The class assignment consisted of a worksheet with different examples and takes on the word “twist.” There’s a paragraph on the dancing the twist, tornados … and the rapper “Twista.” “In 1997, after appearing on Do or Die’s hit ‘Po Pimp,’ Twista was signed to Atlantic Records. Under that label he released ‘Adrenaline Rush’ and formed the group Speedknot Mobstaz in 1998,” the lesson explains. “It was really inappropriate for my child,” Badeaux told Fox News. “He doesn’t know what a pimp or mobster is.” “I try to teach him morals and respect and to speak correctly,” she added. “It’s hard for a fourth grader to understand Ebonics when you’re trying to teach him how to spell and write correctly.” School officials told the news site the lesson was considered age appropriate according to the new national Common Core standards. It’s aligned to fourth grade English standards. Vermillion Parish Superintendent Jerome Payau said the “Po-Pimp” worksheet is designed to encourage discussion of “real world texts.” “The Common Core curriculum, like it or not – we have to make our students successful,” he said, according to Fox News. We fail to see how knowledge of pimps and “mobstaz” contributes toward that goal. The lesson, however, is only the latest example of Common Core-aligned material with questionable content. Last week, a parent in the Sierra Vista, Arizona school district raised concerns about an erotic novel assigned as a Common Core-aligned 10th grade literature book. The parent was particularly upset with passages from page 80 of Dreaming in Cuban, by Christina Garcia: “Hugo and Felicia stripped in their room, dissolving easily into one another, and made love against the whitewashed walls. Hugo bit Felicia’s breast and left purplish bands of bruises on her upper thighs. He knelt before her in the tub and massaged black Spanish soap between her legs. He entered her repeatedly from behind. “Felicia learned what pleased him. She tied his arms above his head with their underclothing and slapping him sharply when he asked. “‘You’re my bitch,’” Hugo said, groaning. School officials eventually pulled the book, but we’re convinced there’s likely countless other examples of inappropriate Common Core-approved content in districts across the country. Currently 45 states have signed on to the national standards, though many are re-evaluating their participation.


  3. #33
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    New York, The Evil Empire State
    First, Common Core, cough " Commie Core" as i call it is unconstitutional, it violates the 10th Amendment in that the oversight of educational standards belong to the states, not the Feds. Second, this Commie Core standard is a smoke screen for soft indoctrination with socialist liberal left ideaologies slickly embeded at certian points, i know because i've read it. Parents should be alarmed as it also seems to discourage critical independent thought or thinking.
    “In questions of power…let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution.” –Thomas Jefferson

  4. #34
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    Jun 2013
    Exclusive: Common Core Paying Off Republican Politicians?

    4 days ago | Politics, US | Posted by Ben Swann Staff
    • September 19, 2013

    Tennessee recently made national headlines for a single city spending $5.2 million to align with the standards of Common Core.

    “The new Common Core standards being implemented in states around the country are bringing unforeseen expenses to local districts, like a Tennessee city that had to borrow $5.2 million to buy iPads and laptops for kids as young as kindergarten,” reports Fox News.
    The Murfreesboro, TN city council just recently approved the bond issuance last Thursday with a unanimous vote.
    So, who exactly is pushing Common Core in the state of Tennessee? Perhaps one of the largest groups lobbying for Common Core in the state is the Ayers Foundation. Jim and Janet Ayers, founders of the organization, are extremely active in Tennessee politics. The Ayers Foundation is in many ways a political think tank. In 2012 the foundation was given a $1.2 million grant to push Common Core standards into the state of Tennessee. If Common Core is successfully implemented in Tennessee, the Ayers foundation is sure to prosper even more.
    Emails were recently discovered that show Janet Ayers lobbying the Tennessee state legislature to accept and institute Common Core in the state of Tennessee (pictured below).

    The above addressees are an entire list of the Tennessee state legislature. Mrs. Ayers urges the entire legislature to side with the few unpopular, establishment GOP politicians in the state of Tennessee who are pushing Common Core. You will notice in the addressee list state senator Jim Tracy (R). Tracy is running for US Congress in Tennessee’s 4th congressional district where he lives. This is the same district that is home to the above referenced city of Murfreesboro, TN, which just spent $5.2 million of money that they did not have to push common core standards.
    As it turns out, Jim and Janet Ayers are some of senator Tracy’s largest donors. They both donated the maximum legal amount to Tracy’s campaign just 2 months before this email went out.
    Senator Tracy’s FEC Filings Showing Donations From Ayers Family

    There seems to be a clear lobbying effort in the state of Tennessee from those who seek to benefit from federal dollars, which would funnel in behind a full implementation of Common Core standards being implemented in the sate.
    Tracy has attended a meeting in the past, which was geared towards “stopping Common Core” in the state of Tennessee. The meeting was also attended by the very legislators now pushing the standards. Chairman Gresham (who supports Common Core as noted in Ayers’ email above) was also at the meeting, but is pushing hard for the state to implement Common Core regardless of citizens lobbying against it.
    The recent lobbying effort and $10,400 donation have raised many eyebrows in a state that is consistently fighting to maintain its conservative identity.
    (Visited 8,852 times, 51 visits today)

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  5. #35
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    ‘Is this America?’ Parent arrested for speaking out against Common Core

    Sunday, September 22, 2013

    The controversial new school curriculum known as Common Core has critics all over the country speaking out – including one parent who was arrested in Towson, Md., on Thursday.
    Robert Small wanted to speak at a public forum hosted by the Maryland State Board of Education. While the format called for questions to be written on a piece of paper and given to the panel, Small stood in the audience and criticized the curriculum’s lower educational standards, saying children were being prepared for community colleges, according to the Baltimore Sun.
    “You’re not preparing them for Harvard,” Small said.
    When Small spoke, Baltimore County School Superintendent Dallas Dance told him that his questions would be answered. Small continued to speak until he was approached by a security guard.
    The security guard, an off-duty Baltimore County police officer, showed his badge, pulled out handcuffs and pushed Small out of the forum, causing the audience to gasp, according to a YouTube video of the incident.
    “Don’t stand for this,” Small said as he was being pushed out. “You are sitting here like cattle. Is this America?”

    Post Continues on


  6. #36
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    Do Parents Have Rights When It Comes To Public Education?

    Posted by Joe Wurzelbacher on Sep 24, 2013

    It used to be that elected members of school boards were scared to death when parents showed up to meetings – especially parents who came prepared and had a beef about something their little one brought home or said. The last people they wanted to see when discussing the progress of a child’s education were the people responsible for bringing that child into the world. A concerned, involved, active, or irritated parent could wage considerable power over the domain and curriculum of the local education system. Well, apparently not anymore…

    First let me ask you, what are the top ten steps necessary to destroy America’s system of liberty, democracy and free enterprise as we know it? That was rhetorical, I was only looking for one of them as outlined in The Communist Manifesto and that is free education for all children in public schools, where they are to be taught to have a high regard for cultural and political socialism and reject the idea of American exceptionalism. Today this is politely known as “political correctness,” but it remains the same lie. It’s a popular and fashionable form of dishonesty, wrapped in false compassion which results in nothing more than an inferiority complex for the victim-class it pretends to help.

    So what can parents do about it? That is my question.

    I’m sure there are good schools systems out there; however we are seeing more and more of them implementing curricula influenced by government and political correctness then common sense. This does not help our children. America is ranked 22nd in the world in education and it’s starting to show. Our children are being preyed upon by sexually deviant teachers; parents are being arrested and or bullied by teacher unions and school boards, while kids continue to be passed without passing abilities – in order to receive more and more Federal funds. Public education used to be about education – now, it’s about agendas, opinions, political leanings, diversity, sexual exploitation and CONTROL!
    Look no further than the number of kids openly wearing Che Guevara T-shirts and the like to realize the left has been for years exposing young children to positive images and writings of not just this murderous scumbag Communist coward, but that of Marx, Castro, Lenin, Ortega, Mao – not to mention Pelosi, Reid and Obama. Unsuspecting parents send their kids off to public schools where far-left radical teachers push the Marxist agenda into their impressionable heads and as long as they come back with good grades, all is well. Little do most of them know that their home is being radicalized. This is a war, not unlike World War II, in that the country is being threatened by tyranny – only this time it’s not upfront with bullets, but a slow bleed with your children being drawn away from you and your beloved America.
    Children are reading sexually explicit books (he takes her from behind and whispers “you’re my bitch”) other children are learning about pimps and ho’s; 2 + 2 can equal 5 because its “close”; The Second Amendment is for “militia” only; Islam is good and white people are bad.. And it goes on and on. Big government has proven you cannot throw money at education to make it better and we all have a vested interest in stopping this indoctrination in the public school system – even people who don’t have children. These are the future leaders, tax-payers and voters. Unless you want to spend your golden years in a gulag or worse, better start paying attention to what’s really going on.
    What’s the latest? Something called “Common Core.”
    Common Core is a Federal Education program being sold as a testing standards platform but in fact it’s a blatant grab by the Federal bureaucracy of the entire Education system. It wrests control of State and local education systems from boards, teachers, parents and students – placing them directly at the feet of Big Brother. The issue here is not whether Common Core is an effective program, although it isn’t. It’s a horrible program. But even if it was the best education strategy in the history of the planet, it is still bad for the country because it prevents State and local education boards from designing, implementing and changing their structure, outlines or learning schemes based on their student’s needs. This is critical because a student in Central Florida might not be the same as a student in New Hampshire or Louisiana. Big government will claim it’s optional, but the lure of the big Federal dollars is always too much for an already strapped State or local education system and they’ll always take the money every time.
    So why all the secrecy about what they want to accomplish politically? If socialism is so great, why don’t they just practice what they preach and come right out with their agenda? The answer is in the superiority of Western culture – what used to be referred to as “Christendom.” Marx knew he couldn’t overcome this superior way of thinking, learning, growing, loving, preparing, and protecting. It was in a nutshell, just too kick-ass for Marxist ideology to present an attractive alternative to. Even the most destitute folks in America have it better off than everyone in North Korea, so it makes it kind of tough to sell despotism to the masses without a sub-machine gun pointed at them and their family. So really, the only way to destroy the West was through moral subversion and ripping its spiritual foundation from society. Get God out of the schools might be their first move, eh?
    Marxists must get us to implode from within because just giving us the choice between living under freedom, individual liberty and Capitalism or living under the thumb of oppression is a loser – we’ll pick the freedom every time. As Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young once sang; “Teach Your Children Well”… indeed. If you don’t, they might just learn how to stroll willingly into a nightmare we’ve already had to drop bombs on twice…


  7. #37
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    Parents file complaint against district over slavery role-playing exercise

    Posted by EAGNEWS on Sep 24, 2013

    HARTFORD, Conn. – It’s obviously important for America’s K-12 students to learn about slavery.
    But isn’t is possible to teach kids about the horrors of the “peculiar institution” without forcing them to experience the horrors themselves?

    Apparently seventh-graders at the Hartford Magnet Trinity College Academy have been going on annual field trips to a place called ”Nature’s Classroom” in Charlton, Massachusetts, according to a story posted on
    Part of the field trip involves students – many of them black – engaging in a slavery role-playing exercise titled “Underground Railroad.”
    Steve and Sandra Baker are the parents of a daughter who participated in the program last year, and they’ve been lobbying school board members and school administrators to do something about it.
    They weren’t happy with the response they received from school officials, so they have filed a complaint against the school district with the state Department of Education and various other agencies.
    According to their daughter’s account, the children were forced to sit in a dark room, very close together, in the same manner that captured Africans were transported on ships across the Atlantic Ocean.
    In the words of the Bakers’ daughter, “I was told by the instructor that we will have to go to the bathroom on each other, and some of us might throw up.”
    During a play-acting scene in which the children were supposedly picking cotton, the girl said instructors “told me if I were to run they would whip me until I bled on the floor, and then either cut met my Achilles so I can’t run again or hang me.”
    During another session, the student apparently heard instructors say, “Bring those (n word) over to the house over there. (N word) if you can read there’s a problem. Dumb, dark-skinned (n word). How dare you look at me?”
    Students reportedly later said they had a mixture of feelings about the experience, including “uncomfortable with not being able to talk and lift up their heads,” “scary, too dark, hard to walk on the trails in the woods,” “uncomfortable with the yelling” and “did not feel it was a joke, did not know if the leaders were joking.”
    In a presentation to the school board, Sandra Baker said that “even though it has been 10 months since my daughter shared what happened on this part of the trip, I still find it outrageous and irresponsible. I can’t comprehend how the principal and a group of teachers could allow our children to be intentionally demeaned. verbally abused and emotionally terrorized.
    “As an African-American parent, I carefully consider how my children receive messages about racial identity, and I do this because all too often these images are not positive. There is no way I would have allowed our child to participate in this aspect of the field trip had we been given the choice.”
    The Bakers are correct. It’s one thing to teach kids about an ugly part of American history. It’s quite another to verbally abuse children and put them in frightening and uncomfortable situations.
    One of the reasons to detest the shameful period of American slavery (besides the obvious fact that no human should be owned by another human) is that the victims were often treated badly.
    A great war was fought, and decades of struggle followed, to ensure that people would never be treated like this again. And yet it happens during a school field trip, supposedly as a “learning experience.”
    As Sandra Baker put it, “The fact that they used the ‘n word.’ I mean, how dare you say that to my child and call it an educational experience. How dare you say that to any child.”
    By Steve Gunn at


  8. #38
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    ALL Charges Dropped Against Dad Who Was Arrested After Speaking Out Against Common Core at Public Meeting

    Sep. 23, 2013 6:17pm Jason Howerton


    The Baltimore County State’s Attorney is reportedly dropping all charges against Robert Small, the Maryland parent who was arrested after speaking out against Common Core at a public meeting last week.

    Small was forcibly removed from the public forum in Towson, Md., and charged with second degree assault of a police officer and disturbing a school operation. If convicted, he faced more than 10 years in jail.
    State’s Attorney Scott Shellenberger told WBAL Radio that it was “clear that Mr. Small violated the rules of the meeting and disrupted the meeting.” Further, Shellenberger defended the arrest and resulting charges.
    “It was also clear that the Officer acted appropriately and did have probable cause to make an arrest on both charges,” he added. “The Baltimore County State’s Attorney’s Office has just received and reviewed the facts of this case. In the interest of justice, further prosecution will not accomplish anything more. Therefore, the charges have been dismissed.”
    The police officer involved in the incident was off duty and working as a security officer for the event. He apparently intervened at the request of Baltimore County Schools Superintendent Dr. S. Dallas Dance’s chief of staff.
    Dance issued a short statement on the public meeting on Common Core State Standards, hosted by the Maryland State Department of Education. However, he failed to even mention the fact that Small was removed and arrested.
    In the statement, obtained by WBAL, Dance said:
    We appreciate the Maryland State Department of Education for holding a Common Core State Standards Townhall meeting in Baltimore County last week. Excellent questions were asked and answered that evening. Questions that were not answered due to time constraints will be addressed. We will post the questions and answers on our website by the end of the week.
    The meeting helped us realize that we must do a better job of communicating what the Common Core is and what it is not. We have to ensure that our parents and community members understand that the Common Core allows us to implement our own curriculum, written by us, for us. This gives us the flexibility to ensure that we are meeting the needs specific to our children in Baltimore County.
    Video of Small’s outburst against Common Core has since gone viral. Watch the full video here:

    As previously reported by TheBlaze, the incident took place at Ridge Ruxton School in Towson, Md., on Thursday night. When Small, 46, stood up and demanded answers to his concerns about Common Core, the off-duty police officer working as a security guard forcibly removed him from the auditorium.
    “Don’t stand for this,” he told parents as he was taken out of the meeting. “You are sitting here like cattle! Is this America?”

    “WBAL’s Jimmy Mathis, who attended the meeting said no one in the audience saw Small shove the officer. He did say officials asked members of the audience to submit written questions to the panel of officials, and questions were not going to be taken in the audience,” the report adds.
    Small was no longer commenting on the matter on the advice of his attorney.
    Last edited by kathyet2; 09-25-2013 at 04:26 PM.

  9. #39
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    Jun 2013
    Thursday, 26 September 2013 15:23 Strategies to Defeat Common Core Education Gain Momentum

    Across the country, opposition to the “Common Core” national education standards that are being pushed by the Obama administration has been surging in recent weeks. From Florida and Georgia to Louisiana and Wisconsin, politicians are no longer able to ignore the growing public outrage — especially because it transcends traditional political divides and has united a powerful coalition of libertarians, conservatives, Republicans, Democrats, Tea Party activists, progressives, liberals, parents, teachers, experts, and more. Various strategies to defeat the scheme are being tested, and some are already proving successful.

    Activists and experts are still working to raise awareness of the scheme to nationalize education, which was put in place largely under the radar using federal bribes, coercion, and big money from the establishment. As more and more parents and public officials learn about Common Core, though, attention is now shifting toward strategies to defeat the scheme. One in particular — having local districts reject the federally backed standards in so-called “local control” states — is gaining traction following a report outlining the idea.

    Of course, numerous avenues are being pursued in the battle. Activists from across the political spectrum, for example, are hard at work making their concerns heard at the local, state, and federal levels. Just this week, representatives from more than 35 Tea Party groups and parent organizations traveled to the Florida Capitol in Tallahassee to lobby against the radical scheme, which is already in place across the state.

    The coalition of activists reportedly thanked Republican Gov. Rick Scott for ordering hearings on Common Core and pulling out of the national testing scheme — a key component of the system, according to experts who have spoken to The New American. However, more must be done to stop the program, concerned citizens told lawmakers and reporters. “What we want is to take out the Common Core 100 percent,” Miami-Dade teacher Thais Alvarez was quoted as saying in the Miami Herald.

    In Wisconsin, another one of the 45 states that took federal bribes in exchange for adopting what experts say are poor-quality and untested national standards, activists are making progress, too. In keeping with a nationwide trend, the pressure in Wisconsin to stop Common Core is coming from all across the political spectrum. And this week, GOP Gov. Scott Walker made some key announcements that were widely celebrated by advocates of local control, proper education, liberty, and state sovereignty.

    “I’d like the Legislature to hold those hearings,” said the popular Republican governor, alluding to a longtime demand made by activists in the state for public scrutiny and input about the standards. “And in the larger context I’d like us to be in the position where we can identify our own unique standards that I think in many ways will be higher and more aggressive than the ones they’re talking about.”

    As the national battle over Common Core heats up, opponents are exploring another powerful tool that bypasses state and federal politicians, and many activists and experts believe it could prove effective at stopping the controversial scheme. In most states, at least, parents and activists can use the power of local school districts to reject the nationalization of schooling and maintain community control over government education in their jurisdiction, reported Advocates for Academic Freedom President Karen Schroeder.

    According to Schroeder, your local school board probably has the legal authority under state law to reject the Common Core standards in its district. That is the case in Wisconsin, for example, where she lives. It has also been confirmed by state education officials in Ohio and North Carolina. However, lawmakers and state education departments have kept the powerful information “very close to the vest,” Schroeder opined. “That is deceit of the ugliest kind.”

    While most states do maintain local control over education, authorities in Utah reportedly said school districts in that state are not allowed to opt out of the Obama-backed standards. Education Action Group Foundation staff are working to find out what the legal status is in other states. Officials in Wisconsin, though, specifically confirmed that local school boards could indeed choose whether or not to adopt the education scheme in a response to Schroeder quoted in her report.

    “In Wisconsin, each school board has the statutory authority to adopt the state standards or any other set of standards, inferior or superior. This is called local control,” said Common Core State Standards Team Director Emilie Amundsen at the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction. “When applied to schools, local control means that decisions about standards, curriculum and instruction are made at the local level. School districts must have standards. The type, quality and scope of those standards are left to local school boards to decide. This has always been the case in Wisconsin, and this has not changed as a result of Wisconsin adopting Common Core state standards.”

    Indeed, some school districts have already rejected the scheme despite the state government having accepted it. The Douglas County, Colorado, district, for instance, unanimously approved a resolution this summer rejecting Common Core in favor of its own higher-quality standards. After reviewing Common Core, the county board of education said taxpayers, parents, teachers, and students deserve better — and that its own standards were already superior to the national scheme.

    “Colorado is a local control state,” the board said in its resolution. “The Common Core Standards ... are not reasonable or appropriate in Douglas County because our District’s standards are more rigorous, more thorough, and more directly tailored to the unique needs of our students, as they prepare for positions of leadership in the 21st century workforce and global economy.” Experts say this is just the beginning of the resistance as advocates like Schroeder spread the word while urging concerned Americans to “pack school board meetings” to ensure a complete rejection of Common Core and all of its tentacles.
    Another potential route for reining in the scheme is being promoted by a group known as United Opt Out. “We encourage parents, students and teachers to opt out of education reform by refusing to take and administer any high stakes test that labels the child, teacher, or school,” co-founder Dr. Tim Slekar, also the dean of the School of Education at Edgewood College, told The New American. “The results (data) from high stakes tests are invalid and therefore any use of this data in the learning process is an act of pedagogical malpractice — opting out is an act of civil disobedience in support of children, teachers and public schools.”
    Of course, the U.S. Department of Education, which openly boasts of its collaboration with the dictator-dominated United Nations, has already taken steps to deal with the expected uprising. In May of 2012, the unconstitutional federal education bureaucracy began offering massive taxpayer-funded incentives to school districts that adopted the controversial scheme. Critics lambasted the move as a “full-scale assault on state sovereignty” and “power grab” aimed at making it more difficult for districts and states to resist. But resistance is building quickly, nonetheless.

    Presumably to deal with the avenues that still remain for parents and the public to stop the takeover, key establishment players behind Common Core have openly advocated abolishing local school districts. Consider, for example, statements made by Louis Gerstner, Jr., a prominent member of the Council on Foreign Relations and Bilderberg summit attendee who serves as Chairman Emeritus of the group Achieve, Inc., which essentially designed Common Core. In a 2008 column on “education reform,” in addition to calling for “national standards for a core curriculum,” he proposed that America “abolish all local school districts.”

    With Common Core already so deeply entrenched in the education system all across the United States before parents even found out about it, some pessimistic critics of the plan had all but given up hope that it could be uprooted. Recent developments, though, have offered hope that it is not too late to slam on the brakes. At all levels, despite huge sums being spent on PR gimmicks to promote Common Core by the establishment, resistance is accelerating.

    “What happened that caused this suddenly powerful — and at least to me, unexpected — revolt?” asked Neal McCluskey, associate director of Cato’s Center for Educational Freedom and a leading analyst on the standards. “It is almost certainly that the Core is now reaching the district and school level, and parents and citizens are becoming fully aware of standards most of their states adopted lightning fast in 2010 to get federal Race to the Top money.”

    “They’re becoming aware, and either don’t like what they see in the standards, or don’t like federal imposition,” he continued. “They may also be getting increasingly sick of being told that the federal government wasn’t a driving force behind Core adoption when it absolutely was, and being called ignorant or unhinged for pointing out reality.”

    The most important step according to leaders among the opposition, at this point at least, is probably still educating the public about Common Core, as polls show most Americans do not yet know what is going on. FreedomProject Education just put out a DVD outlining some of the myriad controversies, and The New American magazine recently ran a major exposé on the standards and the accompanying Orwellian information gathering. However, as awareness and resistance continue to grow in tandem, getting involved in the political process to stop the radical takeover is crucial.

    Alex Newman is a correspondent for The New American, covering economics, politics, education, and more. He can be reached at

    Related articles:

    Common Core: A Scheme to Rewrite Education
    Orwellian Nightmare: Data-mining Your Kids
    Educators Expose Dangers of Common Core National Education
    Parent Dares Challenge Common Core, Hauled Away in Handcuffs
    Common Core National Education Outrages Teacher Coalition
    Lawmakers and Activists Rally to Stop Obama-backed “Common Core”
    GOP Blasts Obama-backed National Education Standards
    Opposition to Obama-backed National Education Scheme Grows
    Obama Bribes States to Adopt National Education Curriculum

  10. #40
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    Jun 2013
    America, Call Your Local School Boards, You Are the Only Ones That Will

    Written on Tuesday, September 24, 2013 by John Risselada

    America, much has been written the past few days about the rewriting of our constitution in a text book called “American History: Preparation for the Advanced Placement Examination.” This type of indoctrination is very reminiscent of many of the things I have previously written about concerning my own educational experience. Five years of college education and I essentially learned that white people are privileged and racist; blacks can’t compete in a capitalist society because it only benefits white people and that Saul Alinsky and Jane Adams are to be revered more than the founding fathers of this once great nation. I have learned more about how to be a good little social activist for the democrat party than anything remotely related to facts. For five years I have heard reference after reference about leftist’s professor’s beliefs that the second amendment doesn’t guarantee a citizens individual right, and now, they have become so emboldened by the perpetual silence from any organized opposition that they are getting away with rewriting the constitution.

    It seems that this may be the issue that pops the eyes open of the apathetic uninformed as many parents have been contacting the schools using this vile Marxist piece of excretement. Unfortunately, that will not be enough. You see I have put a great deal on the line as a college student. Knowing that I was witnessing the demise of liberty while these communists felt free to lie about America, attempting to make students feel guilty through educational techniques such as values clarification, I challenged them through and through and it cost me my master’s degree. I have put a tremendous amount of effort into contacting congressmen and senators as well as bringing up these important issues to everyday folks like you. I am telling you right now America; if you don’t rise and take back your country it will be lost forever because no one cares.

    Today I contacted Congressman Jeff Duncan’s office to ask if they were aware of the South Carolina High School using this text book. They were teaching children that it is constitutional for police to confiscate legally owned firearms based on the “rewritten” interpretation of the second amendment. The response I got from the woman who answered the phone was nothing short of apathetic and insulting. She had the audacity to tell me that she was unsure of the congressman’s position on the issue and she sounded very unconcerned if anything was being done about it. Next, I contacted my own congressional representative, Jim Bridenstein and asked if they were doing anything about it. The response I received was even more disheartening. In July of this year HR 5 was passed by the congress. This is known as the Student Success Act. This bill removes all congressional authority over education and supposedly puts it into the hands of parents and local educators. Essentially, they have washed their hands of having any authority over a situation like the one we are currently dealing with. While the bill may have the intent of giving parents and local school boards more say over their curriculums, the sad truth is that these local school boards are almost always left wing democrats who believe in teaching “the collective” as opposed to the truth about our nation. This is another blatant example of our congress selling us out. I believe this actual bill has not passed the senate yet but that doesn’t change the fact that your elected representatives, that make six figure salaries off of your income are powerless over education. This rewriting of our constitution will continue unabated unless we collectively stop it in its tracks.

    As I stated earlier, I also spend a great deal of time posing questions to people I run into. Yesterday I asked a number of different people what their reaction would be if they found out their constitution had been rewritten by a couple of communist text book authors. Are you ready for this? While there were a few who found it within themselves to muster some anger over the issue there were those who had the senseless state of mind to actually say they didn’t care because it didn’t affect them. Now you know why we are witnessing the final nails being driven into Americas coffin folks, because people don’t care, it doesn’t affect them.

    I wrote in an earlier article how the principles of conservatism, if applied correctly would serve the “collective” far better than the lies of liberalism. In order for that to happen we need principled conservatives that are ready and willing to put their love of country ahead of everything else. With people like Paul Ryan John Boehner in prominent positions of the Republican Party there is virtually no hope as popularity is far more important to them than principle. Look, the simple fact of the matter is we have an administration that is vagrantly ignoring the rule of constitutional law in this country and nobody is opposing it out of fear of being attacked by a vicious left wing media that owes the democrat party for the billions they received in stimulus spending. You cannot beat those who have no rules by playing their game. The republican’s failure to stand on principle, in my opinion, is now the reason we are in the crisis we currently face. We elected them on promises to stand on principle and they have failed us out of a desire to win a popularity contest. We can no longer look to them to solve these issues and we must now find the principles that will unite the real patriots of this country and stand together. Failure to do so will render this nation nothing but a memory of a once free people.

    I just got off the phone at 10:14 am with the director of curriculum development of our local public schools. She will be researching “American History: Preparation for the Advanced Placement Examination.” She also suggested a three way conversation between her, the social studies curriculum director an myself. America, call your local school boards and demand they review this textbook, you are the only ones that will.


    Here is a link to the book

    This isn't history it is propaganda!!!

    Last edited by kathyet2; 09-27-2013 at 04:00 PM.

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