Quote Originally Posted by NOamNASTY
Quote Originally Posted by NoBueno
Either our government is making some very bad choices in regards to those who we allow into this country, or the involvement of illegal invaders and crime in this country is being intentionally under reported...

Either way, the American citizen is the loser!

I'm sorry but the American citizen is the problem ,not the victim . There are lots more of us than them . We could stop it in one voting term .

Take the money we spend to feed ,shelter,and care for the babys they keep having and the familys they keep bringing in and we could fix it in a couple of months. But nobody in our leadership wants it fixed .

No telling how many of them are making millions off it in-directly .

Make prison an uncomfortable place again, take away the color tv's and the other luxuaries and maybe doing time won't be so appealing . Start back up the chain gangs and make them work .
First off, the American citizen is the a "victim" in this issue, irrespective of whether you care to acknowledge that or not. Certainly apathy within this country has something to with this issue. However, it most certainly does not rise to the level whereby the American citizen should be considered the "problem."

I refuse to cast aside the millions upon millions of Americans who fight this battle on a daily basis, only to be ignored or cast aside by our corrupt politicians. I refuse to be labeled as the "problem" when we elect politicians who have sworn to uphold our Constitution, only breach that promise once their quest for office has been realized.

I refuse to label the millions of people across this country who proactively deal with this issue on a daily basis as the "problem!"