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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Black Pastor Has Stern Message for People of Ferguson

    President Obama asked the people live in Ferguson to remain peaceful and not to riot after Darren Wilson was exonerated of killing Michael Brown.

    But they didn’t listen.

    No one respects Obama anymore, not even those in the black community.

    But maybe they’ll listen to his man.

    Jonathan Gentry, a minister, has asked that protestors “cease and desist,” from their violent ways.

    Watch the video, let us know if this man makes more sense than Obama…

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Wednesday, November 26, 2014

    Ferguson and the False Promise of "Revolution"

    Build, don't burn. Collaborate, don't complain. Don't simply "resist" the system, replace it altogether.

    Tony Cartalucci
    Activist Post

    When faced on the battlefield with a numerically superior enemy, one must attempt to divide his enemy into smaller, more easily dispatched opponents - or even more ideally, divide them against one another, and have them defeat each other without ever drawing your sword. For Wall Street's 0.1%, divide and conquer is a way of life.

    Divide and Conquer
    Never in human history has there been a more effective way for tyrants to rule over large groups of people who, should they ever learn to cooperate, would easily throw off such tyranny.

    At the conclusion of the Anglo-Zulu War, the British despoiled Zululand, divided it into 14 separate chiefdoms, each led by a proxy obedient to the British Empire. The British ensured that these 14 chiefdoms harbored animosities toward one another and fostered petty infighting between them to ensure British interests would never again be challenged by a unified Zulu threat. Before the British, the Romans would employ similar tactics across Germania and Gaul.
    Image: Zululand lies in flaming ruins, its legendary army decimated, but the British were not about to take any chances of allowing them to unite and resit again. They divided the defeated nation into 14 chiefdoms each headed by leaders harboring dislike for the others ensuring perpetual infighting and a divided, weakened Zululand never again to rise and challenge British subjugation.
    In this way, the British Empire and the Romans managed to not only decimate their enemies, but by keeping them perpetually infighting, divided, and at war with one another, manged to keep them subservient to imperial rule for generations.

    But one would be mistaken to believe that imperialism is only waged abroad. Imperialism is as much about manipulating, controlling, and perpetuating subservience at home as it is projecting hegemony abroad. For the imperialist, all of humanity represents a sea of potential usurpers. The systematic division, weakening, and subjugation of various social groups along political, religious, class, or racial lines has proven an ageless solution for the elite.

    One remembers the infamous use of Christians as a scapegoat for the corruption of Roman Emperor Nero, deflecting public anger away from the ruling elite and unto others among the plebeians.

    This is a game that has continued throughout the centuries and continues on to this very day. While racial, religious, and political divisions are aspects of human nature, they are viciously exploited by the ruling elite to divide and destroy any capacity of the general public to organize, resist, or compete with established sociopolitical and economic monopolies.

    Ferguson - Playing America Like a Fiddle

    Before protests began breaking out in Ferguson, Missouri, and even after the first of the protests in August, many across America's polarized "left/right" paradigm began to find a common ground, shocked at the level of militarization the police had undergone and the heavy-handed response they exercised amid protests. Even among the generally pro-police and military "right," there was concern over what was finally recognized as a growing and quite menacing "police state" in America.

    Politicians, the corporate media, and security agencies set off to work, dividing America's public down very predictable lines. Convenient "revelations" that the police were connected with the ultra-racist Ku Klux Klan, coupled with growing choruses across the right to circle the wagons in support of the militarized police attempted to place those who converged on this common ground back into their assigned places on the "right" and "left" of America's ultimately Wall Street-controlled political order.

    Regardless of its success, attempts to intentionally provoke violence, confusion, and division on both sides is an attempt by the establishment to keep people divided and weak while maintaining their position of primacy over the country and the expansive "international order" it imposes globally. It was this establishment, in fact, that intentionally militarized the police, intentionally cultivates both institutional racism as well as sociopolitical and economic rot in America's inner cities, creating breeding grounds of violence and crime. So busy is America managing the predictable conflict amongst themselves, they have neither the time nor the energy to recognize their true tormentors.

    In reality, the police and protesters and those across America and around the world "picking sides" have more in common with one another than the government and corporate-financier interests that reign in Washington and on Wall Street.

    Get Off the Hamster Wheel
    One cannot accomplish anything by burning down one's own community, killing one another, or complaining and protesting endlessly. Real revolution is not taking to the streets and destroying a political order, it is creating a new order that displaces the old.

    The American Revolution, for instance, occurred after the colonies established their own economic system, as well as their own militias, political networks, and infrastructure. The violence broke out only after the British tried to reassert themselves amid the steady process of being displaced. By the time shots were being fired, the real revolution had already occurred - the subsequent war was to defend its success.

    Today, the establishment constitutes unchecked, unwarranted power and influence held by the corporate-financier elite - an establishment we are in fact paying into daily every time we patronize their businesses, use their services, associate with their institutions, and pay in attention and time to their propaganda and political agenda we ourselves should be setting and executing. Ironically many of both the police and protesters clashing in Ferguson on opposite sides of the "conflict" have homes full of Wall Street's goods, and subscriptions to many of their services.

    Indeed, Walmart ends up filling our homes with most of the consumer products we depend on in America. A handful of agricultural giants feed us. A handful of pharmaceutical giants medicate us. A handful of energy monopolies light our homes and fuel our vehicles. You could fill a single sheet of paper with the names of corporate-financier interests that rule over nearly every aspect of our lives.

    Such monopolies exist because they have extinguished competitors. Ensuring that competition remains extinguished means creating a society that is incapable of producing individuals or paradigms capable of challenging their established order. This includes sabotaging the education system, creating a socioeconomic system that encourages unsustainable dependence rather than self-sufficiency and independence, and rigging rules, regulations, and laws against any potential upstarts.

    The notion of Ferguson protesters demanding justice from a system created of injustice, upon injustice, is as absurd as trying to squeeze apple juice from a lemon. It is the definition of fantastical futility.

    Instead of demanding justice, jobs, education, healthcare, food, and other necessities and desires from a system with no intention of ever empowering the people - a system that in order to continue perpetuating itself must by necessity never truly empower the people - we must begin working together locally to empower ourselves.

    Power stems from infrastructure and institutions - and locally this can be accomplished in innumerable ways. Already farmers' markets, organic cooperatives, makerspaces, churches, community centers, community gardens, and charities along with innovative small businesses leveraging technology to do locally what once required global spanning industry to accomplish, all constitute the seeds of this shifting paradigm. For communities unlucky enough not to have one of these above institutions, or a lack of them, instead of baying for blood in the streets, burning down buildings, or clashing with police, build them.

    The alternative media itself is proof of what power people have when they stop depending on others, stop demanding others to do their jobs properly, and instead take up the responsibility themselves. Expanding this paradigm shift to other aspects of our daily lives, from agriculture to energy, to education, will be key to true and enduring change.

    Ferguson teaches us that real change in the mind of many is still far off. America isn't on the edge of revolution. A hamster wheel endlessly spinning has no "edge." Those picking sides and bickering over the events in Ferguson are playing into an elementary strategy of divide and conquer. We are divided, Wall Street has conquered.

    At the end of it all, Wall Street comes out even stronger. Because in the smoking remnants of our communities after all is said and done, we have even less with which to build an alternative to the system we live trapped within. Divided, we have half the people we should be joining together with, collaborating and building together with, to build the world we want to live in tomorrow.

    Build, don't burn. Collaborate, don't complain. Don't simply "resist" the system, replace it altogether.

    Tony Cartalucci's articles have appeared on many alternative media websites, including his own at Land Destroyer Report, Alternative Thai News Network and LocalOrg.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Wed Nov 26, 2014 at 11:23 AM PST

    Why exactly did the police lie for 108 days about how far Mike Brown ran from Darren Wilson?

    by Shaun KingFollow for shaunking

    The day after Mike Brown was killed, the police began stating that he died just 35 feet from Officer Darren Wilson's SUV. For the first month, in my own reporting on the case, I parroted this distance as fact—not really thinking that the police would be bold enough to publicly lie about such an essential and verifiable fact of the case.

    Then, this past September, a St. Louis resident who was familiar with the crime scene wrote me privately to tell me that he had studied the distance and it appeared to him that Brown was at least 100 feet away from the SUV—and maybe much farther. For three weeks, a team of volunteers and I studied every photo publicly available from the Aug.d 9 crime scene, sent someone to Canfield Drive to measure the distance between where we believed Darren Wilson's SUV was to where we believed Brown died, studied four different mapping softwares to help measure the distance, and concluded that the distance was, in fact, at a minimum, 100 feet. At the time, we wanted to go live with the possibility that Brown ran 150 feet away, but felt that we could publicly state 100 feet as an indisputable fact.

    On Sept. 18, I went public with our evidence that Brown fled at least 100 feet from Wilson's SUV.

    For the following two weeks, I asked the St. Louis County Police Department to comment on the enormous difference between what it had been saying publicly and what our research found. At least four other members of the press also asked them, on my behalf, and the police refused to comment on it. In the meantime, hundreds and hundreds of stories around the world, continued to advance the 35-foot distance as fact.

    On Oct. 3, I wrote and published my first full-length article on the discrepancy and included every photo we found to prove what we believed on the distance. I also grew to believe that the lie about the distance was a part of a larger effort to cover up a grave injustice.

    Privately, I asked every member of the mainstream media I knew to consider covering it and they refused—this includes CNN, MSNBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and more. I explained that I didn't care if they pretended like they came up with the story, that I didn't want any credit for it, but that such a major discrepancy from what their were outlets were reporting as fact should be addressed.

    Finally, on Wednesday Nov. 1, I found a photo taken on Aug. 10, less than 24 hours after the shooting, of Mike Brown's family members standing on the blood-soaked concrete where he was killed. In the background of that photo was an indisputable street number on the building directly behind them. Seeing it renewed my desire, two months after first discovering the lie, to give it one last push.

    I asked journalists from Argus News to film themselves making the measurement from where Wilson's SUV was to where Brown's family was in the new photo and we discovered that it was 148 feet. After I published the article, we realized that the measurement was incorrectly made from where Brown's head was, and not his feet. Thus, he was actually probably 154 feet away when he was killed. Still, the police refused to acknowledge or comment on the matter and several members of the St. Louis media wrote me publicly and privately to tell me I was wrong and that Brown was indeed killed 35 feet from Wilson's SUV.

    Read below the fold for more analysis.

    Unsure if Wilson's testimony before the grand jury was going to reflect the tale that was being told about Brown charging at the officer before he was shot and killed, it dawned on me that for that to be true, he would've had to have run not 154 feet away, but more in the range of 160-180 feet—making the lie of 35 feet that much more egregious.

    Finally, when the grand jury decision was delivered, and prosecutor Bob McCulloch gave his remarks before the documents were released, he confirmed that Brown had died 153 feet away from the SUV.

    attribution: None Specified

    The lead detective in the case saying he walked "50 times" back and forth from the SUV to Mike Brown's body,stated to the grand jury that he measured from Darren Wilson's SUV window to Mike Brown's feet and that it was actually 160 feet, 4 inches.

    The thing is, though, I don't really see any of this as vindication. The police still lied about it for 108 days, and they absolutely refused to clarify it for the media as they advanced the lie on their own behalf. The grand jury documents revealed that the medical examiner who arrived on the crime scene didn't even bother to take measurements or photos because he, literally, thought it didn't matter.

    In his new interview on ABC, both Wilson and his interviewer, George Stephanopoulus, continued to advance the lie that Brown ran just 35 feet away. See them do so starting at 3:40 in the video below.

    Again, Wilson continues to advance the lie because it supports his narrative. If Brown ran half a football field away, it suggests so much more to us than the mental image of his barely making it 10 yards before he, as Wilson suggests, turns around in a demonic rage, and then runs into a hail of gunfire from Wilson's semi-automatic pistol.

    If Wilson and the police will tell this lie, so boldly and so publicly, we must ask why. If they will tell this lie, one of fact and math, not of opinion, why do they deserve the benefit of the doubt with every other detail they claim to be the truth in this case?

    Ultimately, this case should've gone to trial, where these claims could be cross-examined and debunked by a truly concerned attorney. But Brown's family, and all citizens who care for justice, were denied this opportunity.

    The fight for truth in this case must continue. We cannot allow these lies to be told and for this injustice to be accepted on our watch.

    Originally posted to shaunking on Wed Nov 26, 2014 at 11:23 AM PST.

    Also republished by Support the Dream Defenders, Police Accountability Group, and Daily Kos.

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