The Libertarians and the ACLU crowd are always quoting Ben Franklin:
Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." (Benjamin Franklin)
This argument makes sense in the context of the American Revolutionary War for independence, but when you try to apply it to every possible scenario it breaks down. It just does not apply in all cases.

For example,

Should we repeal traffic laws because we are exchanging safety for the liberty of speeding or driving recklessly?

Should we repeal health regulations of food that is processed or prepared in restaurants? Aren't we limiting the freedom of the food processor or restaurant in exchange for the safety of the customer.

Should we repeal regulations that govern the quality and the safety of any other product or service?

Should we repeal any laws that insist that a person must identify himself as an American citizen prior to voting? Are we sacrificing the freedom of unidentified people (who may not even be Americans) in exchange for a secure voting process.

Should we repeal any laws that insist that a person must identify himself prior to boearding an aircraft? Are the rights of an anonymous person more important than the safety of the other passengers?

In summary, the Ben Franklin quote does not have universal applicability to all circumstances. Using such quotes as cliches is not so much different from the way liberals use cliches as a substitute for critical thinking.