Here is an interesting blog I came across at:

In 1776 it took a Revolution to over throw King George & his supporters in the Chamber of Commerce but then we had honest government backing American Patriots now we have a bunch of Traitors in Congress & the President Supporting the Illegal Invasion!

Family Values Mr. President???

Is sneaking into this country illegally &.using forged documents including Social security numbers etc. family values?

Is letting American taxpayers pay their medical bills, educating their many children, while they suck at the trough of public welfare, start having kids at 16 and 1 per year thereafter, with an average an 8 grade education and 50 percent school drop out rate.

Populating Vicious Illegal Aliens gangs from coast to coast, killing, robbing and raping more American citizens each and every year than was killed in 9/11 Is that your family values?

Lying on tax returns and getting 1500.00 earned income tax credit without paying any in and laughing at how stupid Americans are. Is that your Family Values Mr. President?

Importing all kinds of contagion diseases like T.B that were eradicated in this country & next bird flu will come across our open borders! Giving 1000,s of Americans citizens type A & B liver diseases from feces on food handled in the food industry. Is that your Family values Mr. President?

Maybe so, because you were a doper, drunker, and womanize & the whole world realizes you are not too bright & that the Corpulent Corrupt Slug Turd Blossom is your brain. But if the majority of Americans had the same values as you & your Corrupt Political Supporters in Congress we wouldn't have a country.

But what is more disturbing if you and you corrupt supporters in the Senate have you way we won't have a country as we know it in the near future. Already our standard of living is decreasing at a fast rate averaging 6% per year. Primary due to economic exploitation of Latin American peons.

Hundreds of thousands of American Citizens have lost their jobs in the construction industry while the housing costs have soared because they cannot live on Slave wages like the peons. They have also taken over the jobs food industry & are in nearly every fast food place and restaurant in the USA & the same for landscaping, meat packing plants, motels & hotels coast to coast, etc.

All of this occurring while 46 million American citizens have no insurance or medical care, millions of American kids & American Citizens living in poverty, our veterans without decent medical care, 400 million dollar deficit, our school system & medical faculties going broke and the quality of education in the pits thanks in large part trying in a hopeless cause to educate the kids of Illegal Aliens that don't want an education and feel only hate and contempt for American, American Citizens and American Ideals!

The best estimates put the economic costs & lowing our standard of living at 200 billions per year and growing rapidly. In addition to lowing our standard of living it costs the tax payers another 100 to 300 billion or so per year for their welfare, know one knows for sure because the government does not want American Citizens to know the extent of the Rip-off but best estimates are there are 22 to 30 millions here Illegally sucking American dry! Not the 11 million claimed by the Government!

Due to their prolific breeding & the 10 thousand pouring across our open borders daily we are crating a vast underclass that will soon exceed the taxpayers ability ( even with the Presidents outrageous deficits) to provide their medical benefits, educate their many anchor babies and provide the numerous benefits they are currently provided.

When that day occurs we will have riots, fires and civil war coast to coast that will make what occurred in French recently look benign. Then no doubt American Patriots will be searching for the Corrupt Politicians at all levels of Government that thru. their greed and stupidly caused the demise of this once great Nation!

It would be poetic justice if terrorist do cross our open Borders with an WMD instead of killing innocent Men, Women & Children set it off in your State of the Union Address and wipe out the nest of Corrupt Vipers in Washington DC. There is no Doubt that the Nation & American citizens would all benefit with most of your replaced with an Honest government that represents the American people instead of the special interests!

You ask our young men to fight and die in the service for our country at the same time you are selling the country out to greedy businesses and corporations by supporting an Illegal Invasion of their Country! Then after you get them here reward them with green cards etc.

Guess you Ideal is Mexico where the Rich & Corrupt rule and the rest are poor, powerless and victims of criminals and the Corrupt rich!

When business cannot be moved to cheap labor countries you just import Slave labor for their use! Thousands of returning veterans will find they must compete for jobs with Slave labors from Latin American subsidized by taxpayers and live in poverty.

Is Power, Money and getting Elected More important than American Citizens and the future of this Country? Are there no limits or any restraints to Political Corruption & Stupidly Mr. President?

Partial list of traitors to this Country either thru. Stupidly or outright Treason!

Number one on the List President Bush then John McCain (R-AZ) Edward Kennedy (D-MA)...
Richard Durbin (D-IL) Larry Craig (R-ID), Mel Martinez (R-FL), Ken Salazar (D-CO), Chuck Hagel (R-NE), Christpher Dodd (D-CT), John Kerry (D-MA), Evan Bayh (D-IN)

Then in the House ....Luis Gutierrez (D-IL), Bob Menendez (D-NJ), Chris Cannon (R-UT), Raul Grijalva (D-AZ), Jim Kolbe (R-AZ)Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Joe Baca (D-CA), Jeff Flake (R-AZ), Linda Sanchez (D-CA), Jane Harman (D-CA), Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL), David Price (D-NC), Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), Mark Udall (D-CO)

.Governors : Bill Richardson (D-NM), Rod Blagojevich (R-IL), Bill Huckabee (R-AR), Janet Napolitano (D-AZ),Jim Huntsman (R-UT), John Baldacci (D-ME)

All American Citizens that love this Country and wants it to remain the Bright Beacon of hope for the world should take action now...

Posted by: Bill Lowe | January 20, 2006 06:48 PM