Quote Originally Posted by Nkosi View Post
I really can't agree with your assessment and find your comparison to ISIS over the top. By the way, the KKK was founded by Democrats and I don't think that the cannibalism was ever popular in the Southern states.

It's not a stretch. I was referring to the depravity
of those groups who operate on hate.

The main groups operating on hate in America today are BLM and the socialists backing the costly and deadly illegal alien invasion and overthrow of America.

You seem to be aggressively throwing that hate accusation at non leftists groups pretty liberally Nkosi.

The same people charging those men with anti gang and anti terrorism laws for exercising their American freedoms are the same that would like to have me and every supporter of ALIPAC similarly charged for our efforts to stop illegal immigration and amnesty.

You need to wake up and smell that coffee really quick if you care to understand what is really happening here.

If they have evidence that someone brandished a gun in an illegal way, then charge them with that as an individual and get on with it. If someone actually hurled a racist slur, then get the frack over it because that is not illegal in America!

You got a lot of nerve taking up for these socialist totalitarians on our site Nkosi and nitpicking about someone waving a flag off their truck instead of being focused on the Americans being slaughtered each day by illegal aliens backed by the same people persecuting that flag and its supporters.