Tonight my family attended Open House for my 5th grade daughter.
She's had the same teacher for two years and for the most part we've
grown accustomed to her despite her "eccentric" ways. I've suspected
she is a lesbian but being this is a public school and she isn't openly
declaring it I have let sleeping dogs lie.

A few months ago my daughter informed me that
they discussed an earthquake and when
a fellow student asked the teacher if it was the work of God she said
"who's THAT?" then went on, "I don't know who this God person is you can't see, hear or touch." That REALLY bothered me but I kept quiet.

Last week I proofread a paper she wrote about their morning class
routine and questioned her on what did she mean by they meditate? She
said they just stand and get really quiet. No harm right????

Well tonight the teacher wanted to discuss everything under the sun
EXCEPT my daughter's progress. I was very uncomfortable with her going
on and on about the real estate crisis and then how all of this is happening b/c the world needs to be set right again. Finally we got on the topic of test etc and she said that it was all a part of the system and she didn't buy into the system. She was sick of schools treating kids like little adults and giving them data and more data to learn. She said we all have the power within us to do whatever we want and in HER opinion we all have little gods living in us. My stomach did flip flops.

Then she pulls out a paper with geometric designs on it and said this is how she gets the kids to focus. She puts the paper on the projector and tell them to stare at it. She held the paper up in front of my son who was with us and told him to stare at the center and that everyone sees something different. I said, "excuse me what is that and where did it come from?"

She said it was a tantric drawing from Madrolgo (sP) in India. She found it in a book about Nostradamus (sp)!! She said it helps them focus and quiet their inner being. I told her that we do not meditate and that we find quiet time in prayer with God. She goes "call it what you like but people with beliefs should really be interested in this to find out the truth."

We proceeded (my husband and I) to ask her what is this all about. She became VERY defensive and said it was just an object she has the kids focus on. I said what if I held up an object of the crucifix for the kids to focus on. She insisted this wasn't religious and is only used to silence them. I asked what happened to simply telling them to be quiet. She grew angrier and said this society is changing to the feminine and all of the energy from the sun is coming down on her and others and things are being righted now. No offense to my husband but the feminist change is needed and a good thing. We sat there completely stupified and went back to WHY ARE YOU SHOWING THIS TO OUR CHILDREN???? She said if we didn't want her looking at it she could close her eyes?!?!?!?!? That it was a geometric shape she liked and had blown up. This went on and on with her going around in circles saying, "Do you think I'm trying to teach your kid religion?" I told her YOU ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO DISCUSS this in school so why are you having them meditating????? It ended quickly with her saying this conversation is over!

Well, fast forward ten minutes ago. My daughter informs me she makes them recite something like this EVERY morning for the past two years.

teacher: Being 1 who are you?
children: creative
teacher: define yourself
children: I am that which causes all things to come into existence

Now I am NOT an expert on the occult but this screams WRONG!!! I also feel that this confrontation was supposed to happen tonight I felt God wanted me to know to what extent things had gotten b/c I was clueless mainly b/c my daughter doesn't get 99% of this garbage and b/c I trusted my child in this person's care!!! I am troubled so deep in my spirit. I know this woman is lost and I ended our conversation by telling her that this best not have any bearing on the treatment of my child. She said she had this conversation many, many times (other parents, administration I assume????) I was confused by that until I learned tonight another mother took her kid out b/c of the whole India meditation thing. Now my question is this... what should we do? There's about 3 more weeks left in school. We've explained to my daughter that she is NOT to repeat any of that mantra and not to focus on any drawings she puts up on the projectile.

I'm sorry for the long rant & I hope I posted this in the write forum. There is so much more but I don't want to write a book here. I appreciate any advice you may have.