How do you feel about the SPP???

I feel that our president and government has gone outside the powers we have given it. Really so the President, at most we give our government the right to make treatys(Congress with 60 votes with over sight). In which we can do trade between nations and even be allies. Bush is way out of line with what he is doing.

Now we look at the world, European union,African union,Union of south American nations, also Caribbean community and Asean/Asian union,Eurasia union,GCC or arab community. All these are working on forming into bloc states. The question is do they respect the rights and freedoms of there people? We can hope so. But the people have little say in all these.

Really we the people are the only ones that can change anything. Our government has been given all the powers that we wented it to have. They have to ask us for our option of this matter if they went any changes. That is a fact. Bush and his goons are traitors and way out of line for doing what they are doing. Also many of the things that have been put into place offically like Nafta,Cafta have hurt the American people. So its not with in our interest.

Now that it seems to be a trend through out the world, I'm making this thread for serious discussion on the topic. I do wish Bush and his goons would bring it to our attion and would make a case for what he is doing. He and his goons have already caused a lot of pain and family's to lose jobs, and more. The transies have really messed up big time; they are fools and have no understanding or just greedy of the way things work. They should allow us into forums/discussion and after that a national vote on it. IF ITS NO then its final.

Why on gods green earth do we have to help Mexico? They have over a trillion dollar GDP. That same question could be asked about Iraq to...But they don't have the the GDP of Mexico, or the organzion; heck there nuts. Canada they don't went any part of the united states. All three nations should have a vote in this.

Bush has done damage and has went down a path that he should of never started. He should of ran for president on his north American union/spp, and illigal alien plat form; so we the people could of seen what he was all about from the start. But he choose to keep it quite. If he would of won, then that would of been a sign for him to take it to discussions/forums and on state of the union speechs talking and discusing his plans with us. But no the rat had to do it behind our backs. To make matters worst to do it with one of the worst nations on earth=Mexico. His and his goons plan has made life hard for many American, Americans have losted jobs, even died by his stupid plan. The people of Europe of the 27 nations did not know it was coming. They thought it was just a trade union, which would be to work together. But it turns out that the government stabed them in the back. NO DISCUSSIONS WHAT SO EVER.

African union, at least they are being up front with there people. In if reports are right. Most Africans agree with the plan of setting up a union government. There is work shops/Discussions. I'm not really sure, but that is the since I'm getting from it. Caribbean community I don't know, Asean/Asian union also don't. Union of south American nations, plus more.

China also has not our best interest at heart. I think they are trying to kill us. But Bush still doe's not care, he is going to push this down our throats. Really I been watching this for the last 8-9 months I can't believe they have covered it so well.

If Great Briton was to our south, I would still went discussions and truthfulness from our government before moving forward on anything. Bush should be impeached for this.

Whats your option.