I made a mistake because I am not a listener of rap music, but my grandson enlightened me on some of the lyrics. I grew up in a neighbor where “hos” were actual “hos.” Their lives were intertwined with family and friends. Rappers sing about their lives and “hos,” pimps, gangs, drugs and cops are a part of their live. Other entertainers and comedian do the same. Songs are about their lives. Comedian create jokes about their lives. Hos are real, drugs and gangs are real they rap about it and they sell CDs and they make lots of money. What else are they to rap about if this is their lives.
They are not degrading or being disrespecting their women. A ho is a ho, but you never referrer to a woman who was not a “ho” a “ho.” But at the same time many mothers, sisters and daughters were “hos.” I’ve lived the past 30 years in Nevada where prostitution is legal and knew many “hos.” Many were taking care of families, friends and putting themselves through school I never met a “ho” I did not like and respect. I once shared an apartment with a “ho” and she was the best room mate I ever had. I understand why rappers would sing about things they was so much a part of their lives. Imus did not know the women he call “nappy headed hos.” Beside being disrespective he was stereo-typing which is racist, that black women are naturally “hos” and the accusation that he was doing what lot of people were doing is not true. Rapper refer to “hos” as “hos.”
I don’t believe the Rutger girls really accepted his apology. I believe it was just a public relations thing. I would accept his apology when hell freeze over because I don’t believe his apology was sincere. Imus has a long pattern of abusive speech. I listen to his show and have complained for years. I cannot understand how he have lasted this long.
Doing good deeds don’t give you the right to speak in the manner Imus have about people.

People spoke well of Jesus and did great thing in his name, but he said I never knew you, you hypocrites.