Another but is, what other American woman minority did her grade point average knock out of going to Carolina instead of State. I have seen this happen to an American woman who was aiming to go to Carolina to become a Medical Doctor. Now she is going to transfer into Carolina to become a specialized nurse.

Just because a grade point average is greater than one students doesn't mean the higher grade point is college bound or even taking harder courses compared to the above very smart woman. I know personally this bright, smart woman was cheated out of Carolina due to dumbies in front of her due to an unfair system of grade point averages permitting non college bound students to have a better grade point average somehow.

All the schools grade point averages are put together, so someone taking a college level courses compared to beginning 12th grade courses will probably be under so much more pressure and the grade points can end up being the same, but if the 12th grade courses person can get that little sweet advantage it does knock that more prepared college bound American child out by not being in the top 5% or 10% of the graduation class. So the America Child does not get into Carolina!

LUMPING ALL GRADE POINT AVERAGES TOGETHER IS NOT WISE! and I am about 99.9% sure the school system are lumping illegals grades, non-college bound, and the very bright student all together into one combined grade point average group.

Who is most likely to lose above? and Who definitely has the most to gain?

No Medical Doctor!

It is a game with our heads to dumb us down. John Lennon wrote a song about "20 years of schooling" to dumb children down.