Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

More Obama Lunacy: Steals from Hungry to Reward Unions!

By John Lillpop
Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Barack Obama has fostered the notion that he is the Robin Hood of modern politics, the savior who will steal from the Haves to bolster the Have-nots.

However, in his haste to shore up support from unionized workers for the looming elections, President Obama has gotten his communist signals crossed. In the latest Obama gaffe, he is stealing from the hungry to payoff union allies.

As reported, in part, at

“Some Democrats are upset and advocacy groups are outraged over the raiding of the food-stamp cupboard to fund a state-aid bailout that some call a gift to teachers and government union workers.

“House members convened Tuesday and passed the multibillion-dollar bailout bill for cash-strapped states that provides $10 billion to school districts to rehire laid-off teachers or ensure that more teachers won’t be let go before the new school year begins, keeping more than 160,000 teachers on the job, the Obama administration says.

“But the bill also requires that $12 billion be stripped from the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, commonly known as food stamps, to help fund the new bill, prompting some Democrats to cringe at the notion of cutting back on one necessity to pay for another. The federal assistance program currently helps 41 million Americans.â€