Tuesday - September 22, 2009
A hostile Muslim population that sets fires, then attacks firemen in Sweden
H/T sevenload.com/videos

I am not certain at all with regard to the embed here but I tested out the link and that does work. Sweden has its problem. And France, And UK And Germany And Norway and Holland And .................

Here is an interview with some firemen in Sweden talking about how they cope with a hostile Muslim population that sets fires, then attacks them when they come to put them out and save anyone who may be in danger from them. This of course is now familiar as it is classic ‘Al Queda Handbook’ stuff on how to make a no go zone. However it is nice to see cracks in the political correctness that has prevented European agents of the state from reporting the facts, although this video does not name Islam specifically, one can easily infer it from the interviews and pictures of the ‘natives’ of the area in Question.



Bottom line as everyone knows by now. The fault isn’t with muzzies entirely. It’s the hand wringing, bleeding heart leftist libtards that believe in this multi-culture crap. The frightened and guilt ridden (why?) whites in our countries who appease and pander and accommodate, and know no end to make happy diversity and continuing appeasement of a sub-human species who will in the end, do us all in.