I emailed my Chief of Police (below was his response). I thought getting funding from the Feds was involved in this program. Does anyone have the proof/information that City governments are getting funding when they are in this program so I can send that to my Chief of police? I'm wondering if he's just saying this because he doesn't want to do it - but I want to have proof when I go back to him

"No, we have not. Participation in the Section 287(g) program requires us to assign officers to work for Immigration and Customs Enforcement at our expense as well as to pay for the information technology needed to access ICE databases. Participation in this program would remove officers from patrol, deplete staffing, and result in significantly higher expenses – all of which would have a detrimental impact on public safety. While a few agencies in Border States (Florida, California) with frequent ICE interaction have participated, the great majority, including Minnesota, do not Section 287(g) was enacted in 1996 but has never been widely utilized as it simply puts local officers to work for the federal government – entirely at local expense. While there has been considerable debate concerning this issue, no funding has resulted. State and local governments are opposed to donating resources to the federal government for programs that the federal government is unwilling to fund and the federal government has believed it more appropriate to fund enforcement efforts directly through ICE rather than local law enforcement agencies. Without a viable funding source, Section 287(g) is not a viable program."