Not Only Can Americans Not Read, They Can't Add Either!
Jim Kirwan

That Government by Fiat has given way to Government-by-Bailout is nothing new. What is beyond credible is that people have lost the ability to keep a running total of the amounts of their own money, stolen from them by various factions of this dying farce that is in the middle of a rebirth, under the supposedly "new management" of Barack Obama.

There are so many different names for all these complex lies that it is very hard to keep them all straight. For instance early in the War-on-Iraq Rumsfeld casually mentioned that the US Department of Offense had "lost" $2.3 trillion ~ and hardly anyone even batted an eyelash. (Except for Representative Cynthia McKinney) who made it an issue in 2006, in the House of Representatives Â* for which she was attacked and defeated in the next selection. A few years later there was another $1.1 trillion that disappeared down the same rabbit- hole, which also met with the same stone-cold silence. Some of the complexities and overlap of criminality becomes clear in Ms. McKinney's questioning of Rumsfeld that has never been answered to this day. (1)

In the current game of Money-Money-Who's-Got-the-Money the administration is sticking to the idea that there is only the $700 billion that was forced through the Congress under the presidential threat of Martial Law. First, by a legislative slight-of-hand in which the Senate originated this legislation (a blatant violation of the constitution), under which the $700 billion became $850 billion, which the media promptly ignored. The second crime-against- the-taxpayers came in the BAIT & SWITCH that became the order of the day, for the Federal Reserve and the Treasury, in the way in which money was dispensed to those that created the collapse that we are now living in. (2)

Now there has arisen another $2 trillion dollars of taxpayer money that the Federal Reserve has decided, privately, to dispense in total secrecy. So that what we have altogether now; according to insiders that have been tracking all the in-and-outs of our "privatized government"- a running total of $4 trillion that is or has been given out to persons or entities unknown Â* supposedly to "fix" ?a problem that has only deepened with every passing day. The amazing fact that the public is not outraged over the way this has been done, quite literally beggars the imagination.

The result thus far is that "transparency" has become the first casualty in that the giveaway's continue and are expanding unabated: while the very real flames of the crisis are being "fought" with metaphorical gasoline that is being dumped on the flames as 'the solution" keeps on being transformed into an ever larger crisis, minute by minute! Paulson and Bernanke meanwhile continue to insist that there is no cause for alarm because everything is being handled as it should be Â* "Trust
Us" Â* is their only justification. Their position is graphically depicted in this image where the FED and the Treasury are 'Satisfaction' while the public remains mired in the goo of empty-handed 'Frustration.'

Currently the director's presiding over the embers of the dying remains of the administration are facing another major problem which they created, but that was supposed to happen in the middle of a different kind of chaos, in which the outrages that are about to happen might actually not have been noticed at all. The one true thing that can be said of these international privateers is that they have never lacked for new targets on which to vent their arrogant greed-their problem has been that now too many of these pre-positioned time-bombs are beginning to go off all at once-and the result is the pre-mature collapse of the global systems of finance.

Here's the problem: The corporately-criminal practices behind the big three auto makers have caught up with their miserable track record of failing to provide products that the public will buy, coupled with massive corporate cushions that they have so generously provided for themselves. The result is that the people that make this crap (which they had no role in designing or planning) are going to suddenly become unemployed-due to the massively engineered failure of the corporations that control their lives.

The automotive corporations, now begging for a bailout, need to fail because they have failed at everything that any real business must pay attention to. Meanwhile the people that made the sumptuous life-styles of their executives possible will be thrown into the streets. The government for its part has been trying to eliminate unemployment benefit extensions for the six million that will run out of benefits come December 31. And now if something cannot be "arranged" there will soon be another three million unemployed workers with virtually no-where to go: unless something is done to soften their current problems. The answer from the Tarnished House is to cut the thirteen-week extension they first promised then denied-back to a seven week extension. That will take the unemployed right up to the day after the inauguration when all hell is scheduled to take place, according to a number of world leaders and to Richard Hass the Director of the Council on Foreign Relations. The CFR just happens to run the 'selections' that decide who should be president of this country and who should not. (3)

That's it in a nutshell. Whether congress provides the $25 billon more to the auto-industry, or whether they don't: the massive and major crisis that faces those who actually work in those corporations will be sealed. This is not something that 'seven weeks of extended unemployment benefits' will even faze, much less "correct." But then, and here's the worst part: This was the plan all along-to crash the economy-and to do it with our money, that will soon be theirs!

Oh, and the fact that our children cannot read or write, much less add or subtract-is not the problem I was initially referring to- I was speaking about the parents of those children in the so-called educational system today.

McKinney Grills Rumsfeld Â* video

Bait & Switch

World Leaders Warn of "Worse 9/11" ... 18143.html? s=7ab86dc8f9570eee54068ec6fe16afba&

BACKGROUND: Question Everything! ... kirwan.htm