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Thread: Obama Doing Nothing to Protect America from Ebola Outbreak

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  1. #111
    Senior Member JohnDoe2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by April View Post
    What I find interesting is no one is talking about money as a form of transmitting disease. A sick person could handle it and get some sort of bodily fluid on it and pass it right on to the cashier who passes it on to several people before the ebola virus is no longer alive on money...
    That's why they put them in quarantine and tell them to stay home and not go out in public, and Red Cross brings food to them at home.

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  2. #112
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    I will never say tell people NOT to vaccinate.
    I will tell people to THINK before they just get in line with the rest of the sheeple...
    NOT falling for this one.

    Soror Lourdes Metz originally shared to False Flag: Governments don't want you to know! (Discussion):


  3. #113
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    Obama’s Ebola Weapon: Controlling Citizens; Settling Scores

    Adina KutnickiOctober 20, 2014

    WHEN mulling over the unthinkable, particularly in relation to leaders, always think outside the box. In other words, ask yourselves: what is their underlying motivation? How can they use the Ebola crisis as a weapon?
    IN certain instances the answers are basic: greed-based. Simply put, follow the money trail. However, for others, it is a combination thereof. Regardless, leave out of the equation happenstance and ignorance. They are the least likely culprits.
    SO as America (the civilized world) witnesses Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s seemingly inexplicable and bizarre (mis)handling of EBOLA, rest assured, the trail leads straight back to ideology über alles. Take this to the bank!
    Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

    {re-blogged at Islam Exposed}
    AS is said, there is more than one way to skin a cat. And this saying is wholly apropos when describing the Anti-American-in-Chief. He is deadly serious in his animus by exacting revenge on America (and the west in general), come what may. Bringing down “Amerika” is in the forefront.
    BESIDES, why is anyone surprised that it turned out this way? We all heard what he said, especially during his first term campaign. We also knew about the cast of rabidly hateful anti-Americans he surrounded (and still does) himself with. Birds of a feather. His plans centered upon “transforming” America from the world’s superpower, effectively, to be on par with third world countries. Indeed, these sentiments were front and center in the run-up to 2008.
    THE question begs: aside from the die-hard left, what about the so-called center? Did these folks have wax in their ears, or were they simply incurious as to what type of “hope and change” his “transformation” would bring? How many times did he have to utter said sentiments before the swooners – aka leg-tinglers – got it? And hasn’t he kept his word? Totally. Yup, you have to hand him props for delivering. Yet none of his anti-American hatred emanates from a vacuum. It permeated the air he breathed from childhood, and it will continue to do so until the day he takes his last gasp.

    Memo to leftists: are you scared yet, or do you think his “deliverance” will pass you by unscathed?

    ALL of the above – plus so much more – impinges upon his seemingly tone-deaf (non) response to protect America from Ebola. It is no accident. More on this nexus can be gleaned below. Patience.

    BUT to get a handle on what is really transpiring, one must logically understand the genesis of his rage. It is this aspect which is completely significant to his seemingly bizarre attitude to the various ills plaguing America’s house. Resultant, one has to internalize a few facts: rabid anti-colonialism permeates his hatred for America, as well as for the west in general. It is his all-consuming fixation which melds together his adjunct passions (aside from gay sex, alcohol/drugs and golf, no facetiousness intended), causing a constant pull towards his roots in communism – as if THAT system isn’t exploitative – though much more destructive than colonialism/imperialism. Rational he ain’t. He is fixated.
    SIMILARLY obsessed and pre-biased towards Islam, please read between the excerpted lines from his maiden speech to the Muslim/Arab world in Cairo on 6/4/09, as he laid out his fealty. He gave grudging credit to America for certain “progress”.
    We meet at a time of great tension between the United States and Muslims around the world — tension rooted in historical forces that go beyond any current policy debate. The relationship between Islam and the West includes centuries of coexistence and cooperation, but also conflict and religious wars. More recently, tension has been fed by colonialism that denied rights and opportunities to many Muslims, and a Cold War in which Muslim-majority countries were too often treated as proxies without regard to their own aspirations. Moreover, the sweeping change brought by modernity and globalization led many Muslims to view the West as hostile to the traditions of Islam…..
    Now part of this conviction is rooted in my own experience. I’m a Christian, but my father came from a Kenyan family that includes generations of Muslims. As a boy, I spent several years in Indonesia and heard the call of the azaan at the break of dawn and at the fall of dusk. As a young man, I worked in Chicago communities where many found dignity and peace in their Muslim faith.
    As a student of history, I also know civilization’s debt to Islam. It was Islam — at places like Al-Azhar — that carried the light of learning through so many centuries, paving the way for Europe’s Renaissance and Enlightenment. It was innovation in Muslim communities — (applause) — it was innovation in Muslim communities that developed the order of algebra; our magnetic compass and tools of navigation; our mastery of pens and printing; our understanding of how disease spreads and how it can be healed. Islamic culture has given us majestic arches and soaring spires; timeless poetry and cherished music; elegant calligraphy and places of peaceful contemplation. And throughout history, Islam has demonstrated through words and deeds the possibilities of religious tolerance and racial equality….. And I consider it part of my responsibility as President of the United States to fight against negative stereotypes of Islam wherever they appear….

    ABSOLUTELY, he is drawn to, rooted in, totalitarian constructs. In effect, his Kenyan/Indonesian childhood seared Islam into his consciousness. And later on he imbibed the lies wrought by Edward Said’s Orientalism, though deconstructed by other scholars who exposed Said’s anti-historical “facts”, truth be damned. Hmm…revisionism as a political bludgeon. Indeed, judge people by their friends, and the late non-lamented Said was a constant presence in the Liar-in-Chief’s life.

    THOUGH seemingly non related on the surface, each idée fixe is part and parcel to his destructive policies towards all things western, especially American. This is precisely why he went out of the gate, during his first term, to assure the third world that America is not an exceptional nation, no better than the rest. None of the above is accidental. It is highly germane.

    CONSEQUENTIALLY, this site implores the readership to step outside their comfort zones and to see Ebola “through Obama’s eyes”, Orwellian as it seems.
    EVEN more so, internalize that Ebola has many uses….none of which appear on the surface, but are very possible outcomes. Weaponized.
    PLEASE, pay heed to a courageous on duty General, head of the U.S. Southern Command, whose conclusions mirror those at this site, when reporting on the dangers from America’s (purposefully) open borders. Go figure.
    BUT if you need some qualified psychiatric mental health back up, to prop up this and that, that’s fine:
    An Ebola outbreak is being allowed by President Obama because he “wants America to suffer” along with the rest of the world. This is the charge leveled by Fox News columnist Keith Ablow , who is also a psychiatrist.
    “I believe the President may literally believe we should suffer along with less fortunate nations. And if he does, that is a very dangerous psychological stance from which to confront Ebola,” Ablow said.
    Ideas like that written by Ablow are starting to take hold throughout the country, mainly due to the administration’s unwillingness to enact an Ebola travel ban to and from affected countries…..
    IN line with the thesis at hand, it behooves us to compare and contrast the knee jerk reaction that the Islamist-in-Chief had when ONE rocket exploded well outside the perimeters of Ben Gurion airport during this summer’s fiery war with Hamas. Bear in mind that he immediately BANNED flights to Israel (knowing Europe would follow his lead) in order to wield a double-edged sword: to pin Israel’s appeasement-oriented leaders to the wall and to keep them from wiping out Hamas’s Brotherhood leaders, whom he wants to remain in power. He understood full well that Hamas would crow that they closed down Ben Gurion! “It be” true. They did.

    ON the other side of the spectrum, when asked whether or not a travel ban was in the offing – considering the potential death toll to American citizens – here’s what the Bastard-in-Chief’s newest mouthpiece opined…they are breathtakingly shameless.

    PAR for the Demsters butt-kissers, leave it to Sen. Schumer – damn the opportunistic bastard – to back the outrageous choice of Ron Klain as Ebola “Czar”! Not only is Klain medically ignorant – can you believe it – but as Obama’s chief adviser he touted Solyndra to be a model green company, despite its burgeoning signs of insolvency. A crook. Indeed, a precocious 13-year-old would have been a better Czar choice.

    EGREGIOUSLY, despite a possible pandemic, the Reprobate-in-Chief will not allow the facts at hand to get in the way of his ideology and plain political chicanery. Payola. Truth be told, to call Obama Inc. whores is to tarnish the reputation of real prostitutes. It’s that bad.
    YET to all those who are still skeptical as to the charges that he is purposefully, maliciously and willfully ignoring action plans (for ex, by not BANNING flights from W Africa and then inviting non U.S. citizens with Ebola to be treated in America to further contaminate/compromise the nation’s health…who behaves this way?) to contain this scourge, just look past all rational paradigms. In its stead, segue over to historical precedents, rife with evil leaders who KNOWINGLY led their citizens (and others) to tortured ends and outright slaughter. Take a peek – .
    WELL before Ebola became a headliner in America, this investigative journalist posited that Barack HUSSEIN Obama’s plans for America lie within deep-seeded roots from national/nazi socialism. You may want to consider this thesis, making it easier to go from there to here. Even more so, its genesis ties in with his Islamic sensibilities.
    CONCLUSIVELY, where does the above info leave the American people and others who rely on the U.S. to lead? Well, in the main, do not follow anything the regime is touting as “protocol” via the incompetent CDC. It would be the gravest error. Instead, remain calm and read up (from non-governmental qualified medical/research sources) on what steps you need to take to protect yourself and your loved ones.
    BE prepared by stocking up on essentials.

    Are you ready for the possibility of an Ebola pandemic that will interrupt the day-to-day life of most Americans?
    Because now, the CDC has issued a checklist and said that “Now is the time to prepare.”
    You can read the entire document HERE. As well, the state department has purchased 160,000 Ebola Hazmat suits.
    The checklist is a directory for hospitals and medical personnel.
    “Every hospital should ensure that it can detect a patient with Ebola, protect healthcare workers so they can safely care for the patient, and respond in a coordinated fashion…
    While we are not aware of any domestic Ebola Virus Disease cases (other than two American citizens who were medically evacuated to the United States), now is the time to prepare, as it is possible that individuals with EVD in West Africa may travel to the United States, exhibit signs and symptoms of EVD, and present to facilities.”
    The CDC’s Ebola virus page is HERE.
    The World Health Organization and other agencies have gone to great lengths to avoid releasing information that might cause a panic. You can bet that if they’ve gone so far as to issue this warning, things are about to get real.
    The state department has purchased 160,000 Ebola Hazmat suits. If the government is getting ready for an outbreak, shouldn’t you get ready too?
    Are you prepped for a pandemic?

    Last month, I wrote an article expressing my concern that the virus was going to rampage across the country. In it, I suggested that the best way to survive unscathed was to go into lockdown with your family:
    This Ebola thing could go bad in a hurry. And by bad I mean that it has killed well over half of the people who’ve contracted it in West Africa. Not only do we have the possibility of Ebola to contend with, but several varieties of plague are also on the uptick over the past couple of months, something that has been put on the back burner due to the fear of Ebola. A city in China was locked down last week due to the Bubonic Plague and the Black Plague caused one man to die and 3 more people to become ill in Colorado last month.
    If the situation hits close enough to home that you decide to go it’s time to isolate yourselves, the rules to this are intractable.

    I know this sounds harsh, but there are to be no exceptions. If you make exceptions, you might as well go wrestle with runny-nosed strangers at the local Wal-Mart and then come home and hug your children, because it’s the same thing.
    Once you have gone into lockdown mode, that means that the supplies you have on hand are the supplies you have to see you through. You can’t run out to the store and get something you’ve forgotten.
    That means if a family member shows up, they have to go into quarantine for at least 4 weeks, during which time they are not allowed access to the home or family, nor are they allowed to go out in public. Set up an area on your property that is far from your home for them to hang out for their month of quarantine. If at the end of the month they are presenting no symptoms, then they can come in.
    It sadly means that you may be forced to turn someone away if they are ill, because to help them means to risk your family.
    Now is the time to plan with your preparedness group how you intend to handle the situation. Will you shelter together, in the same location, and reserve a secondary location to retreat to if the situation worsens further or if someone becomes ill? Will you shelter separately because of the nature of the emergency? Decide together on what event and proximity will trigger you to go into lockdown mode. Make your plan and stick to it, regardless of pressure from those who think you are over-reacting, the school that your children have stopped attending, and any other external influences. If you’ve decided that there is a great enough risk that you need to go into lockdown, you must adhere to your plan. (source)
    At about the same time, Mac Slavo of SHTFplan sounded the warning as well. He wrote:
    What’s most bizarre and frustrating about all of this is that neither the U.S. government or the Centers for Disease Control have provided any actionable information or advice to the American public. They maintain that they have the facilities to stop any such outbreak and continue to tout the narrative that there is nothing to fear, because they have it all under control.
    Should even one single case pop up in a random U.S. city, that narrative will fall apart instantly. If someone in Georgia, Ohio, New York or any other state checked themselves into a hospital and are found to be infected with Ebola it will prove without a shadow of a doubt that all CDC containment efforts have failed.
    In such an instance where Ebola is found to be in the “wild” anywhere in the continental United States you can be certain that panic will follow.
    Take a look at the following photo. It was taken last week in Toledo about an hour after the city announced that their water supply had been contaminated with toxins:

    Notice how every drop of pure H2O has been removed from the shelves.
    Imagine for a moment what grocery store shelves, pharmacies and hardware supply stores are going to look like within 12 hours of an Ebola infection or outbreak being announced on U.S. soil.
    Things will happen fast.
    Now, for all we know the CDC’s containment efforts are successful, and perhaps Ebola will be stopped in its tracks. But being naturally skeptical of our government’s abilities to mitigate such a virus, especially given the lack of any actual information from the CDC or government, we must assume that Ebola will eventually start popping up in the United States.
    When it does, the CDC and Homeland Security will likely announce a number of precautions that we need to take. Those precautions are going to include supply lists and strategies. (source)
    ALAS, the once maligned “preppers” don’t seem so crazy now… do they?

    video at link below
    About the Author Adina Kutnicki

    Adina Kutnicki is an investigative journalist and independent op-ed contributor to various Zionist and Conservative media outlets. She contributed to an in-depth investigative series at FrontPage Magazine with Lee Kaplan from 2003-2007. They are still working together. Her op-eds have been featured at American Thinker, Israel National News,Israel Insider, The Jewish Press, MidEast Outpost, The Freeman Center For Strategic Studies, HONENU – Providing Legal Aid To Israeli Soldiers & Civilians In Distress, as well as at other sites. Some interviews include: The Inquisitr Interviews Adina Kutnicki: The Reality Of Life For An Israeli Patriot and ‘The Muslim Brotherhood’s Quest For Global Dominance – An Interview With Adina Kutnicki.’ Her recent book review On A Wing From The Holy Land [Review Of An Exciting New Novel About The Spiritual Journey Of An Israeli Woman] was also spotlighted at Inquisitr. In addition, she is the Israel Administrator at Islam Exposed Online Her blog - - received a ‘Watcher of Weasels’ Award - see within – scroll down to ‘Non-Council’ winners. Her full profile can be found at -


  4. #114
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    W.H.’s Painfully Awkward Revelation That Obama’s Ebola Czar Knows Nothing About Ebola

    video at link below

    As criticism mounted last week over President Obama’s naming of Ron Klain as his Ebola “czar,” White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest struggled to explain why it’s not important that the former aide to Joe Biden knows virtually nothing about the Ebola virus. Earnest said that Obama was more interested in a person who could serve in a “coordinating function” than someone who was knowledgeable about the virus, which begs the question: Why not both?


    Lies roll of their tongue so easily, this one must be making really really good money being a spokes person for Obama.. This is the worst spokesperson of them all so far...Word of advise for this one..

  5. #115
    Senior Member JohnDoe2's Avatar
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    NBC reporter’s job in doubt after breaking Ebola quarantine to get takeout

    By Associated Press
    October 20, 2014 | 11:56am

    Dr. Nancy SnydermanPhoto: NBC

    The quarantine against possible Ebola exposure ends this week for Dr. Nancy Snyderman, but the troubles clearly aren’t over for NBC News’ chief medical editor.

    An admitted lapse in the quarantine, combined with a curiously imprecise explanation, unleashed a furious response. NBC must now decide whether Snyderman’s credibility is too damaged for her to continue reporting on Ebola or other medical issues and, if so, for how long. The network would not comment.

    Snyderman, a surgeon who spent 17 years as a medical correspondent for ABC News and has been at NBC since 2006, covered the Ebola outbreak in West Africa andworked briefly with Ashoka Mukpo, the cameraman who caught the virus and is now being treated in Nebraska. Upon returning to the United States, Snyderman and her crew voluntarily agreed to quarantine themselves for 21 days, the longest known incubation period for the disease.

    They have shown no symptoms.

    Yet New Jersey health officials ruled that her quarantine should be mandatory after Snyderman and her crew were spotted getting takeout food from a New Jersey restaurant.

    Modal Trigger
    Ashoka MukpoPhoto: Facebook

    NBC won’t give details about who actually went into the restaurant, or even how many of its employees are being quarantined. Snyderman issued a statement saying “members of our group” violated their pledge.

    More than 1,100 people have subsequently written on Snyderman’s Facebook page, many expressing anger. There were suggestions she should be fired or lose her medical license, and some viewers said they wouldn’t trust her again. Snyderman’s failure to be more specific about the lapse or take greater responsibility was another flashpoint.

    Snyderman’s “arrogance and dismissiveness” create a huge <acronym title="Google Page Ranking">PR</acronym> and credibility problem for NBC, said Kelly McBride, an expert on ethics for the journalism think tank the Poynter Institute.

    “People are so freaked out about Ebola that the problem NBC has now is that whenever they put her on the air, some news consumers are going to see the woman who put others at risk, rather than the reporter and professional with great experience,” McBride said.

    McBride suggested that Snyderman “lay low” or take a leave of absence. Certainly she should not report on Ebola anymore for the network, she said.

    Susan Dentzer, a longtime health journalist and commentator for National Public Radio and the PBS “NewsHour,” said people shouldn’t forget that Snyderman put herself at risk to travel to Africa and cover the story. The public is reacting to a fear of Ebola instead of science, she said.

    “She and her team clearly should have observed the terms of their quarantine, and she has said clearly that they made a mistake,” Dentzer said. “But let’s put it in a broader perspective.”

    Before Snyderman’s trip for takeout, ABC News’ medical expert arguably had bigger problems. ABC health editor Dr. Richard Besser was in Africa at the same time as Snyderman and did not quarantine himself upon his return.

    That led ABC News President James Goldston to send his staff a memo explaining that the network was following medical advice.

    Still, Besser was disinvited to a speaking engagement at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, he wrote last week in the Washington Post. Some colleagues have avoided him.

    “I’ve been surprised by how many colleagues have waved from across the room and quickly made an exit,” Besser wrote. “Others won’t enter my office.”

    NBC could face a competitive disadvantage if Snyderman is taken off medical stories. Robert Bazell, the network’s longtime health and science correspondent, left last year to teach at Yale.

    An important first step for Snyderman will be to explain to viewers exactly what happened, perhaps on a venue like the “Today” show, said Bill Wheatley, a longtime NBC executive who now teaches journalism at Columbia University.

    “If she and the network are more forthcoming about the whole matter, I believe that her credibility can be preserved,” Wheatley said.

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  6. #116
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    Published on Oct 21, 2014
    Or maybe they don't. It's all FEAR PORN all the way down from the Mainstream Media to the Illuminati Tool Alex Jones. The Anonymous Patriot and NINE bust out some TRUTH about National Report.

    Media Puppets...

  7. #117
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    How to stop Ebola in U.S. once and for all

    Exclusive: Dr. Lee Hieb warns political correctness is going to kill Americans

    Published: 2 days ago Lee Hieb, M.D.
    Dr. Lee Hieb is an orthopaedic surgeon specializing in spinal surgery. She is past president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, a free market medical organization.

    Can you really trust the “experts” when the head of the CDC says you can’t catch Ebola on the bus, but you might still transmit the disease to someone on the bus? I think a 10th-grader can figure the logical fallacy in that one.
    It should come as no surprise that Dr. Tom Frieden, the CDC director and author of that absurd bus pronouncement, was the guy pushing Mayor Bloomberg’s anti-large soft drink agenda. I suspect he still believes that large cola drinks are more hazardous to my children than people with Ebola walking the streets of America.

    I’ve been tweeting about Ebola using the intro, “Let’s be clear.” So let’s be clear here. There are several notions that need to be seen with real-world spectacles, not the rose-colored glasses of Dr. Frieden.
    There are multiple modes of disease transmission, and the community response must take these into account. Ebola is not airborne. If it were to become airborne, that would be disastrous, but such transformation has never been seen, so let’s worry about the here and now. An airborne disease can infect you by flowing through ventilation ducts from one part of a hospital to another. For example, in the last known case of smallpox in Europe – and smallpox is truly airborne – the exhalations of a victim flowed out the window into the German winter air, up the wall of another wing of the hospital and infected and killed several student nurses.
    Ebola is also not truly “bloodborne” in the sense of HIV. You truly cannot get HIV on the bus or from any casual contact. To acquire HIV, you have to be injected with a patient’s infectious blood or at least have it come into contact. You can get it from sexual exposure to semen, but even sex doesn’t always transmit it.
    Ebola is a “droplet disease.” The Ebola virus is present in all body fluids from tears to semen to vomit to sweat. If you are infected and sick and you sneeze or cough or vomit, you spread live infectious virus. Sweat on the sheets, and for a time the sheets are infectious. One of the unknowns is how long this strain of Ebola lives on “fomites” – inanimate objects that transmit disease from person to person.
    And there are differences in “infectivity” of diseases. For example, salmonella and Shigella bacteria produce dysentery (bloody diarrhea) when ingested. But the difference is, it takes 100,000 germs of salmonella to get sick, but only one Shigella germ. Unfortunately, Ebola is like Shigella – it only takes apparently a very small amount of virus to make a person deathly ill. Doctors overseas have died merely from touching the skin of an infected patient.
    Let’s also be clear about protective gear. In a level-four containment biological research facility, like Fort Dietrich, which deals with Ebola, the researchers wear special biohazard suits and go through a decontamination chamber before removing the suits. In this manner, they ensure that all the bad germs are eliminated/killed from the suit’s surface so they don’t contaminate themselves during removal.
    The hospital workers (at least initially) were wearing what we call standard hospital “protective isolation gowns.” These are paper gowns, latex gloves, non-occlusive surgical masks with a splash shield in front of the eyes and paper booties. There is no decontamination unit in these hospitals, and these suits cannot undergo wash-down prior to removal. There is a technique for removing standard hospital garb without contaminating yourself, but it would take a second person, and it is not easy. I’m a surgeon, and I can’t consistently do it without occasionally having some skin contact to the gown or outside of the gloves.
    There are only four hospitals in America with true biohazard units for this kind of highly infectious deadly disease. All other hospitals have no true isolation units, no decontamination facilities and no experience dealing with this level of problem. Most doctors and nurses have never seen Ebola or any disease like it and are totally unprepared to do the needful. Everyone throws around the word “protocol” as if having a piece of paper with standardized responses supplied by the CDC will somehow magically convert St. Elsewhere into a contagious disease facility. Although protocols make some sense, they do not substitute for experience, honest situational appreciation and leadership – none of which are in evidence right now.
    Finally (and this is the most important point about which we must be clear), what is the key component to contagion control? It is keeping people from moving about and spreading the disease.
    When faced with a disease that has no treatment, is highly infectious and deadly, the first thing to do is to contain it in the “hot zone.” Even in First-World medical systems, we cannot control such a disease as Ebola without preventing transmission. And the only way to prevent transmission is stopping people to people spreading the disease. Ironically, our government/ pharmaceutical company partners (using our easily co-opted medical profession) demand we vaccinate our babies against influenza to prevent transmission. They want to force nurses and hospital staff to get vaccinated against their will – although there is no evidence flu vaccine to nurses actually decreases rates of influenza among hospital patients nor sick days of hospital personnel. But they refuse to do the tried and true action that would stop the spread of Ebola –limit transportation.
    It is notable that those African countries abutting Liberia and Sierra Leone have closed their borders. The small Caribbean Island of St. Lucia has closed its borders to travelers originating in endemic Ebola areas. They are smarter about this than the administration of the supposedly most powerful nation on earth. And it’s not just our government. A liberal student organization in Texas is now circulating a petition for “Ebola equality” to allow Ebola victims to freely travel in the U.S., to receive free medical care and free housing. We’ll see how many of them actually volunteer to house Ebola patients.
    It is not kind to allow travel on some vague notion of non-discrimination, then let the disease kill countless innocent victims, when we could stop the disease here and in Liberia using the tried-and-true principle of contagion control.
    First, stop all flights out of Liberia and the other two countries affected at present. Secondly, stop inter-town/ intercity transit. And in those towns with Ebola raging, stop house-to-house transit (i.e. quarantine people in place). The international community can help with drop-shipping food and real biohazard gear and supplying expertise. Once properly equipped, the Liberians need to “own” the problem by burying the dead, and supplying house-to-house medical care and food distribution. It may or may not be possible to evacuate sick people into a central Ebola facility.
    It is absolutely the case that we cannot make Liberia a First-World medical nation in the time required to stop this outbreak. As witnessed, we can’t even save everyone in America. But by stopping transmission in Africa, those who live, live; and those who die, die. Ultimately, the disease “burns out” in a month or two.
    In America, everyone who is in any way in contact with an Ebola victim and all the spaces associated with an Ebola victim are locked down. No more waiting two-and-a-half weeks to close an ER that accepted an Ebola patient, as in the case of Mr. Duncan. We are still holding our collective breath to see how many more people pop up sick on that one. It is a fiscal nightmare for a hospital to close its emergency facilities and block off rooms, but how much more disastrous to transmit disease to innocent bystanders because you were worried more about your bottom line? And how much more costly would those lawsuits be?
    The CDC is filled with knowledgeable researchers and clinicians. It is their leadership that has become politicized beyond any real usefulness. It does appear the guys with the ideas are squeaking, because the CDC is no longer insisting that every American hospital can handle these high-level pathogens. They now have an emergency response team with the correct equipment (one presumes) and with the experience to deal with Ebola. These will be dispatched to any area where a patient is diagnosed. And red tape at all levels must be discarded when it’s ridiculous.
    The hospital in Dallas was equipped with a machine that could have made a rapid diagnosis of patient Duncan, but in classic bureaucratic fashion, the kit needed to test for Ebola was not “FDA approved” and, therefore, unavailable to them. (It is being used in Liberia by our military.) Perhaps the FDA can be seen as the obstructive sphincter it is and bypassed – at least for this outbreak and hopefully forever.
    This is not a so-called “false flag.” This is a real medical and social emergency. Before it gets really out of hand infecting towns and cities all over America – before, in the name of “fairness,” we let our children become infected – let’s take Ebola seriously, but not leaders who distort the truth for their own self-serving agendas.


  8. #118
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    Ebola travel restrictions imposed

    Getty Images

    By Elise Viebeck - 10/21/14 12:06 PM EDT
    The Obama administration will require all travelers from countries affected by the Ebola epidemic to arrive at one of five major U.S. airports in order to undergo a health screening, officials announced Tuesday.
    The move by the Department of Homeland Security comes as lawmakers call for the government to take additional steps to ensure no one carries Ebola into the United States.

    The administration had previously instituted special Ebola screenings at five airports: Washington Dulles, Chicago O'Hare, New York John F. Kennedy, Newark New Jersey and Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson.

    Now, people arriving from Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone will be required to travel through one of those ports-of-entry to ensure they undergo a health screening. The policy will take effect on Wednesday.

    “We are working closely with the airlines to implement these restrictions with minimal travel disruption,” Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said Tuesday.
    “If not already handled by the airlines, the few impacted travelers should contact the airlines for rebooking, as needed.”

    Travelers arriving from West Africa are asked about possible exposure to Ebola and undergo a temperature check. Fever is one of Ebola's earliest symptoms, though it is not immediately present in those who contract the disease.

    Federal officials started screenings after a Liberian man, Thomas Eric Duncan, traveled to Dallas with a case of Ebola. He was not showing symptoms at the time, and died of the disease on Oct. 8.

    That case catapulted Ebola into national headlines and raised pressure on the administration to toughen its domestic response.

    Republicans have rallied around the idea of a flight ban from West Africa while the epidemic persists. The administration says it is not considering this move, arguing it would backfire and worsen the Ebola outbreak.

  9. #119
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    W.H.O. Memo: We Failed Ebola Containment

    Published on Oct 21, 2014
    The threat of Ebola spreading into other countries has grabbed the attention of top leaders all over the world. The United Nations Security Council spent a large portion of their time, working on a plan to fight Ebola. And the World Health Organization has been at the center of all of it.

    Now, a new leak out of the WHO insinuates that the group repeatedly botched their attempts to contain the Ebola outbreak, they acknowledge their own failures internally, and they went to great lengths to preserve their own image in the whole process. That new report leaked to the Associated Press is drawing some unwanted, negative attention to the WHO while they battle to contain Ebola on the front lines in West Africa. Part of the leaked memo said, “nearly everyone involved in the outbreak response failed to see fairly plain writing on the wall, a perfect storm was brewing ready to burst open in full force.”

    How would the WHO respond? Well, they aren’t responding at all. Their answer to this allegation is to stay silent, likely hoping the story will go away. In a curt response, the agency did say they are performing their own internal review of the situation. But it raises several other questions about how we all should respond in times of crisis.

    Whenever a worldwide crisis happens, there will probably be mistakes. Leaders will be exposed for poor planning and preparation. Often, politicians will exploit those tragedies to advance their own agendas. So when is the right time for criticism? Many believe the World Health Organization owes the public answers right now. But WHO supporters say now is not the time. In times of triage, the first priority is to save the patient, and then to document and analyze after the fact.

    The WHO said as much in their statement. They said a review will come, but only after this outbreak is over.

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  10. #120
    Join Date
    Jun 2013
    Obama: Media Invented the Ebola Crisis

    Published on: October 21, 2014

    Obama has appointed his Ebola czar, a lawyer, whose only qualification was “he’s good at messaging.” In an oh so familiar manner, Obama has now claimed the media has “invented the Ebola crisis,” which damages his Democrats’ chance of keeping a Senate majority. The left-leaning lame stream enemedia who has supported and back this lawless, criminal administration and done everything short of donning face paint and pom-poms has officially been thrown under the bus for Democrats trailing in the midterm polls and as a bonus, Obama claims they “invented” the Ebola crisis. This is the equivalent of Obama calling the Ebola outbreak a “phony scandal.”
    In more like a complaining session, instead of a speech, to donors in Chicago, Obama stated, “The Ebola crisis … [which] has been the only story here in the United States for the last couple of weeks, is not an outbreak and epidemic here.”

    According to the Daily Caller, Obama talked about the people’s anxiety over the Middle East, the Russian invasion of the Ukraine which he described as slow-motion, the Islamic State jihad in Iraq and the fear of Ebola that was identified as media-magnified.
    “To give you some sense of perspective, around 20,000 to 30,000 [American] people die of flu every year. So far we’ve got one person dying of Ebola…. we’ve had one case of a person dying from Ebola that brought it in from outside.”

    Pick up Bradlee Dean's powerful testimony, illustrated by former DC Comics artist Danny Bulanadi, in the Sons of Liberty Store.
    Where did Obama get his facts on the number of Americans who die of influenza? According to the CDC’s own admission, they do not know exactly how many people die of seasonal influenza each year. This is another example, in a long line, of Obama making up facts as he goes or basically “lying” to the American public.
    Obama acknowledged that people were concerned about Ebola because of the situation in Africa. On the Ebola outbreak or epidemic in Africa, the blamer-in-chief stated, “This is a virulent disease and it is up to us, once again, to mobilize the world’s community to do something about it, to make sure that not only we’re helping on a humanitarian basis those countries but we’re not seeing a continued epidemic and outbreak that can ultimately have a serious impact here.”
    Anyone not paying attention to any sort of reports from the World Health Organization or reports from West African governments regarding the Ebola outbreak and epidemic would be able to stomach those words, which means the entire attendees are either stupid, brain dead or both. The man illegally occupying the Oval Office believes if “we” community organize the world it will contain the “continued Ebola epidemic and outbreak.” And as my Dad is so fond of saying, “Wish in one hand and spit in the other and see which one fills up the fastest.”

    America has seen how well “community organizing” has worked so far. If anyone in America cannot see that it has brought this country close to destruction, then you might be interested in the ocean-front condominiums I have in Tucson. They are selling cheap – just send a check for $1000 and I’ll send you some keys to one.
    Obama has turned Ebola into a political issue instead of treating it as a medical one. The US government failed to initiate travel bans to and from the affected West African nations early on which would have prevented Patient Zero Duncan from coming here in the first place. Since that was not done, he, along with his administration, lied to the American public on their “capability” to treat and contain this deadly disease, which now has seen two nurses become infected with Ebola and many others exposed. The CDC has implemented ridiculous screening measures that do not work, with-held critical information, cajoled the public with over-confidence, side-stepped answering Congress, and been given a pass by the left-leaning lame stream enemedia in the dog and pony question/answer session press conferences.
    The CDC has changed its policy on “precautions” with Ebola after admitting their initial protocols were not enough. Yet, this administration is sending 3,000 American troops to Ebola stricken areas in Africa with only latex gloves and surgical masks to protect them while they “fight” Ebola.
    The ongoing “open border” policy along the US southern border has fueled more fire on the possibility of Ebola infected Muslim terrorists entering and spreading throughout the country – a scenario that is being intentionally neglected and overlooked by Obama, his administration and Congress. America has witnessed the entrance of enterovirus D68 into the country through the illegal alien invasion of our southern border. This enterovirus coupled with Ebola could wreak havoc in our nation.
    Travel remains unimpeded and our southern border remains open. Troops are being deployed to “fight” Ebola. It is business as usual in Washington with the blame game being more popular than Wheel of Fortune.
    Why is this man still sitting in the Oval Office? What happened to that “ground-breaking” lawsuit brought up by John Boehner and backed by faux conservatives that was supposed to make Obama follow the Constitution, hold him accountable “under the law” while the suit itself violated the law? Funny, that lawsuit has gone by the wayside because anyone who knows a smidgen about lawsuits knows Obama would be out of office before that suit even got into court. Boehner has said “impeachment is off the table” so basically, it has been grandstanding all around with everyone in Washington.
    Now, when America needs real leadership and a forceful stance to protect the citizenry, there is not one backbone in Washington to be found. Now, Americans may be facing a form of “medical martial law” where more liberties and freedoms will be eroded, erased and forever taken away. Talk of “rapid response teams” and “isolation camps” and a much more “aggressive” CDC with the development of CDC SWAT teams from Obama does not bode well for any American – conservative, liberal, male, female, black, white, young, old, Christian, non-Christian, heterosexual or homosexual.
    Instead of handling the Ebola virus as a medical issue, it has now become a tool with which a political agenda can be exponentially increased. Regardless of any qualifier, political affiliation or other socio-economic divider, Ebola is a serious health care issue that should be treated as such with the politics removed. It has been formulated that people such as Dr. Tom Frieden are being forced to respond in a certain way. Well, there isn’t someone standing there with a gun pointed at his head in any news conference, media appearance or photo-op that I could tell. Individuals in government positions who have the ability to make a difference choose to remain silent, selling out their country for a meager dollar that may be worthless soon or saving themselves from death due to an “accident.”
    No one but the government benefits by the politicizing of Ebola. As Americans, we should be concerned with getting straight forward, trustworthy information regarding this disease that has now made it into America. We should dispense with the “us versus them,” the “we won, get over it” mentality, and other implemented dividers and fight for our very health and life. It is, after all, a self-evident truth that we were endowed by our Creator with the unalienable right to life. Our government was created to preserve that right, not play politics with it or be the one to decide if you have that right, which is what government has done by not performing its duty to protect our nation from the devastation of a deadly contagious viral epidemic.
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    Last edited by kathyet2; 10-21-2014 at 05:25 PM.

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