I have been in and out of this forum for several years. I thank William Gheen for starting this website. I have watched illegal immigration for 20 years. I did not just get interested in the last few years.

I am sorry that immigration has been left out of this presidential race. But by the same token I am so sorry that there are so many in this forum that will not think logically about this issue and believe that they are going to start a revolution or something by voting for a third party candidate? I remeber the Freeman in Montana. One just got out of jail the other day.

Nobody muchs like Obama or McCain I feel. Save for African Americans and harcore Dems and Reps. I support Mccain because he is the safe play and the safe vote. I know Bush has been a total failure on the border. But McCain is not Bush. Obama is a Democrat ( a good Democrat like FDR would not allow this illegal invasion!) and what Democrat out there is anti-amnesty other maybe than this Defazio guy in Oregon? Not many.

So, you can take a chance with McCain or give up and help let Obama win and get an amnesty that lets another 45 million immigrants into the country by family re-unification.

Amnesty is now going to happen. Sorry. I don't like either. So you had better ask yourself what kind of amnesty you might like to see? Or you can stay angry, some of you, and live in denial.

I live in Colorado and I voted for Tancredo in 98 or 2000 when I lived in his district. He has resigned from Congress but I think is gonna run against Salazar for Senate or for Governor on immigration. You live to fight another day in the battle of idiology. Tancredo supports McCain!

Hold your nose and vote for McCain/Palin!