Octo-mom Considering Buying a Pet Pig

Octo-mom Nadya Suleman thinks her family isn't big enough yet.

The unemployed mother of 14 -- who relies on public assistance to pay for her eight nannies -- is considering getting her kids a pet.

"For a couple of years, the kids have been asking for a dog," Suleman tells the San Gabriel Valley News. "I've actually been looking into a pig, like a little one."

Suleman says if she were to buy a pig, it would wear a diaper and live outside the family's $564,000 La Habra, Calif. home because of its smell.

Meet the octuplets.

She's also thinking about getting a a teacup Pomeranian or a similar small pooch, she tells the newspaper.

The 33-year-old is currently negotiating for a reality show.

See what Octo-mom does all day.

She also recently tried to trademark her nickname, Octo-mom.

"Nadya doesn't like being called it, but if someone's going to make money from it, might as well be her," her lawyer Jeff Czech says in Us Weekly's latest issue, on stands now.

http://www.usmagazine.com/news/nadya-su ... ig-2009234