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The following excerpts was taken from a letter I receieved from CFL:

If you and I don't act today, the Obama Administration could well be an even bigger disaster for freedom-loving proponents of a Constitutional, limited government than were the last 8 years.

First up will be more government bailouts - for the auto industry, for more banks and financial institutions - there's no telling who's next. And we're already seeing the FED continue its secretive practices by hiding exactly where the bailout money is being spent.

Plans are underway for huge new federal bureaucracies staffed with freedom taking enemies, intent on doing the Big Government Left's bidding. And that's just the beginning.

You know as well as I do that Barack Obama and his forces have neary unlimited funds - they certainly proved that this election cycle.

And while we hope the Republicans in Congress will fight back, you and I both know we simply can't count on Washington D.C. Republicans to have a backbone, without LOTS of pressure from back home.

Barack Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi are leading their troops into battle. Their so called "opposition" is weakly calling for "oversight" or making deals. You know that you can count on Ron Paul and the Campaign for Liberty to fight when no one else will. That is why the Campiagn for Liberty was established: to fight for common-sense principles such as freedom and limited government, and to reinsert them into American political coversation, where others falter.

The Campaign for Liberty, born out of Ron Paul's decades long crusade for freedom everywhere, is the only vehicle to fighting tyranny of BOTH parties in Washington.

Our country is ailing. That is the bad news. The good news is that the remedy is so simple and attractive: a return to the principles our Founders taught us. Respect for the Constitution, the rule of law, individual liberty, sound money, and a noninterventionist foreign policy constitute the foundation of the Campaign for Liberty. ----